Chapter 125

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" where is she? She's going to miss the ultrasound!" I huff, typing in Zelena's number yet again

Ring, ring, ring... answer phone

"ZELENA!!!" I yell in annoyance

"Mom calm down, she'll be here don't worry!" Henry reassures me

"I hope so, I don't want her to miss it! We'll pack the potion bottles away and then we'll go okay?" I reply

"Mom, let me do it, you sit down" Henry offers

"Thank you Henry" I smile, sitting down with a hand on my stomach

My stomach has grown a lot more over the past few weeks, it's not uncomfortable (yet) but it's getting to that point! I've gotten through about 100 hot water bottles already to soothe my agonizing back ache. Even they don't help me! I'm just glad the sickness is over!

"Mom, are you okay?" Henry asks

"I'm fine, baby's just kicking me" I reassure him, rubbing my hand up down my stomach

"Isn't that uncomfortable?" Henry asks

"Depends if they kick you in the bladder or not" I laugh

He giggles in reply

"Okay, let's go" He adds

So we head up the stairs and towards the hospital. My worrying for Zelena increasing.

Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading! I'll update again tomorrow!

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