Chapter 156

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I approach the town line. The memories of nine months ago flooding back to me. Kissing Regina goodbye, leaving for New York thinking I would never see my soul mate again.

Then I see the sign 'Welcome to Storybrooke'. But, how? Regina told me I could never return. I smile, knowing I will be able to spend the rest of my life with my soul mate.

Slowly, I drive through the town and spot Emma walking up the road. I quickly park the car and climb out. Emma looks at me, a look of confusion on her face.

"Robin?" she frowns

"Hi Emma, how did I manage to get in?" I ask

"Regina broke the curse on the town line a couple of months ago to let Cruella and Ursula in. It was a big mistake" Emma explains

"Why was it a big mistake?" I frown

"Because they've resurrected Maleficent and are causing trouble" she sighs

"Is Regina okay?" I ask

"Yes, she's fine, she's in her vault I think, making a potion to try and stop them" she nods

"I'll go and see her" I reply, turning in the direction of Regina's vault

"Robin, wait" Emma says

"What?" I ask

"Before you go in there just be prepared, a lot's changed" Emma says, keeping something from me as she squeezes my shoulder

Not knowing what that means, I nod and run towards the vault.

Yay! Robin's back! How will he react to Emma's pregnancy? Comment what you think! Also, comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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