Chapter 144

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I wake up to find it's 10am. So hurriedly I get dressed and brush my hair and teeth and get changed. My nerves increasing as I get close to being ready to go to the sheriff station to see my sister.

Slowly, I slip on my shoes and open the front door, taking a deep breath before heading out, slipping the dreamcatcher into my purse.

When I arrive at the sheriff station I find Zelena sat on her bed, curled up in her blanket. She senses my presence and looks at me. A look of relief on her face.

"You'd better make this quick, and it better be good" I say to her

Anybody know what the dream catcher's for? Think back to 2x12 'the cricket game' or the most recent episode of season 5 and you'll understand what it's for! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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