Chapter 74

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Zelena walks into the room as I wake up from the second nightmare in one day.

"Hey" she smiles weakly

"Hey" I reply, sitting up

"I made you a cup of tea, thought you could use it" She says, handing me a cup

"Thank you" I nod, taking it in my hands

"So do you want to tell me what these nightmares are about?" she says

"What nightmares?" I lie

"Regina, I'm not stupid. You were screaming and shaking in your sleep earlier, you didn't even know who I was when I walked in the room, I saw the look on your face" she argues

I sigh deeply

"Regina, please talk to me" she begs, grabbing my hand

"I keep having these dreams about Maleficent. She keeps appearing and saying she'll get her revenge and destroy my happiness. She took my baby. I'm just worried it's going to happen" I explain

"Regina, Maleficent's dead, she can't hurt you. No one is going to touch your baby apart from you, I promise, I'm going to protect you and look after whether you like it or not. And that's a promise" she reassures me

"Thank you" I nod

She wraps her arms around me tightly.

"I love you sis" she says

"I love you too, some of the time" I giggle

"Hey!" she laughs

Aww! Cute sisterly moment! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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