Chapter 227

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I climb the stairs quietly and open the door quietly. Regina sleeps silently, her raven locks she's been growing for ages spread out across the pillow. Her face is still pale but some of the colour has come back. She looks peaceful; the sickness that's taken over her body for the past week has completely left her, while she's asleep at least.

Quietly, I grab a chair and sit beside her, taking her limp pale hand in mine, tears rolling down my face.

"Hello darling, I know that you aren't in great condition and that you should be okay but we don't know yet. Please, please don't leave me. Isabella and Amelia need you, they need their mother. Zelena needs you, you're her sister and she loves you so much, you may not think it, but she does. I need you, I need my soul mate, a huge piece of my heart is missing when I'm not with you because I love you so much, so please don't leave me. We all love you, and we want you to stay" I whisper to her

I kiss her forehead softly, my tears dropping silently onto her face. She doesn't move at my touch, she stays there, motionless, breathing lightly.

I got bored so I updated another chapter! Poor Robin though :(! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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