Chapter 143

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1 hour later


I wake up to hear my phone ringing loudly. Slowly, I sit up and read the caller ID. Zelena.

Stupidly, I answer it.

"Hello" I say sleepily

"Regina, I need to talk to you" Zelena says

"But I don't want to talk to you" I sigh

"Please just listen to me, come to the sheriff station tomorrow, I really need to speak to you" she begs

"Fine" I huff

"And bring that dreamcatcher thing with you" she adds

"Why?" I ask

"Just do it" she says, putting the phone down

I sigh deeply in annoyance. Why do I have to take a dreamcatcher with me? I just hope it's nothing dangerous.

Suddenly I jump as the baby kicks me hard, making me hunch over. Telling me I've agreed to do something really stupid.

"Yes, I know that was a silly decision but there was no need for the young lady!" I say to my bump

She continues to kick me as a reply and I giggle

"Bedtime" I yawn, heading up the stairs and getting changed into my pyjamas and climbing into bed

Uh oh! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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