Chapter 152

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"Regina? What's wrong?" She asks, alarmed

I don't answer. I've had the same discomfort for a few hours now. It's not a contraction because it's not painful, it's just uncomfortable.

"Regina talk to me" Zelena says

"It's nothing, just the baby causing me discomfort" I shrug

She puts a hand on my swollen stomach and breathes a sigh of relief

"What?" I frown

"Baby's just moving, it's okay" she explains

"It's not, it's really uncomfortable!" I moan

"You'll get used to it" Zelena reassures me

She helps me up again and I magic myself into my pyjamas. She helps me into bed and I shrink down into the softness of the pillows.

"Night sis, shout me if you need anything" she smiles

"Night" I smile back

She leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

The baby starts kicking me again and I can't help but giggle.

"I take it you've missed your auntie Zelena?" I say to them

They kick back in reply and I laugh, even though that one was painful.

"Me too" I reply to their kick

I close my eyes and slowly fall into sleep...

I love the parts between Regina and Zelena! They're actually getting along! But then you go back to the actual show and they don't and reality hits you! Lol! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading! I'll update whenever I get home from this thing!

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