Chapter 110

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Two days later


It's been two days since Zelena's been acting strange, and to be honest her behaviour hasn't improved. She won't let me out of her sight! I'm not allowed to go out and start on the potion because it's 'too dangerous'. I need to start it soon because my magic is weakening by the second.

I love Zelena and all that but she's acting strangely towards me, like she knows something I don't, like she's lying to me. I just really hope I'm wrong.

I'm only doing as she says for the baby's sake because I don't want something bad to happen to them because I didn't do as the midwife says. But if I don't start on that potion something bad will happen and my baby will be taken!

I don't care what she says, today I'm going out and starting on that potion!

Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading! I'll update later!

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