Chapter 221

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I stand in the doorway of the kitchen, watching Zelena interact with Amelia as she feeds her. She looks happy. She sees me in the doorway and frowns.

"Where's Isabella's bottle?" I ask

"There" she says, pointing to the purple bottle on the table

"Thank you" I smile, grabbing it and pouring the milk powder into the cup and putting it into the microwave for thirty seconds

I sit back down in the chair and sigh

"You okay?" she asks

"I'm exhausted" I sigh

"Go back to bed, I'll sort them out" she offers

"No it's okay, I've got it" I reply, going to grab Isabella's milk out the microwave

After letting it cool a bit I place the bottle into her mouth and she starts drinking it slowly, her eyes looking around the room. When she's finished, I take the bottle out of her mouth and she falls back to sleep straight away.

"They're both asleep again" Zelena whispers, looking at Amelia

"Bed time" I sigh

So we both head up the stairs, placing Amelia and Isabella in their cribs.

"Night guys" Zelena smiles

"Night" Robin and I whisper in unison as she leaves the room

Robin and I crawl back into bed and he turns the light off and we both fall back to sleep.

I might update again later but I'm not sure! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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