Chapter 230

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I hate surprises! Robin should know that by now. They make me feel nervous, extremely nervous when people don't tell me what's going on.

I sigh deeply and walk downstairs and into the kitchen to get a cup of tea, I blame Zelena for the habit of having one every morning now! Zelena smiles when I walk into the kitchen and points to my cup of tea on the table.

"Two sugars, plenty of milk" she smiles, referring to the way I have to have my tea

"Thank you" I smile, sitting down and taking a sip

"Robin said you were getting anxious about his surprise" she says, sitting down next to me

"Zelena, you know I hate it when people keep things from me, it makes me feel nervous" I sigh

"I know, I know. But you need to relax and calm down, you'll find out what he's planning later and it'll all be worth it" she reassures me

"I hope so" I sigh

"Anyway, where are Isabella and Amelia?" I say, changing the subject

"Upstairs in their cribs in the nursery" Zelena nods

"Are they okay?" I ask

"They're perfect fine; they woke Robin up at five in the morning" Zelena laughs

"Well they're definitely fine then" I giggle

"They're getting pretty good at sleeping through the night, I have to admit" she says

"I guess they take after their mother for not being a morning person" I laugh

"True, they aren't like Robin and waking up at the crack of dawn" she laughs back

I'm about to reply when I hear one of the baby's cry from upstairs.

"And the day begins!" I sigh, heading upstairs to the nursery

"I'll get them" Zelena offers

"No it's okay, I got it" I say, halfway upstairs

Happy OUAT day people! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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