Chapter 150

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"NO!" I scream, running over to Zelena's side

"Oh please, she didn't do you any favours!" Maleficent laughs

"She was my sister!" I growl

"She was nothing to you! And now she's injured I can finally get what I want, your child" she smiles wickedly

"I don't think so!" I say again, conjuring up another fireball and throwing it at her

She ducks out the way and throws it back at me. I let out a scream as it hits my arm, burning it badly.

"See you soon dear" she laughs, disappearing in a cloud of smoke

I turn to Zelena, who's unconscious on the floor, blood dripping from the cut on her head. She's breathing, but only just.

"Zelena" I whisper, shaking her gently


"Zelena" I say, a little louder this time


"Zelena, please wake up, I need you, I can't do this without you" I whisper, starting to cry

She starts to stir and her eyes flutter open.

"Regina?" she says

"Hey, it's okay, you're okay" I whisper

She sits up slowly and looks at me checking if I'm hurt.

"Are you okay?" she asks

"I'm fine" I lie, trying to ignore the pain in my arm

She studies me again and her eyes fall on my burnt arm

"Regina, your arm" she says

"I'm fine" I lie

"No you're not" she insists

"Zelena, I'm more concerned about you than my arm" I point out

"But I'm fine, Maleficent just knocked me out" she shrugs

"And tried to kill you" I mumble

"Whatever, now let's have a look at that burn" she says, standing up

"You need to sort the cut out on your forehead first" I point out to her

With her magic she heals it and it disappears.

"Happy?" she asks

"Yes" I nod

Zelena's okay (phew)! Poor Regina though :(! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading! I might not update until very late at night tomorrow because I'm going to my Aunties to help her move house! So I'll either update very early in the morning or when I get home, I'm not sure yet!

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