Chapter 180

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"I'm sorry I doubted you, I should've trusted you" I whisper to her

"Hey, that doesn't matter, it's all over now, you defeated her" she smiles

I nod simply and Zelena moves out the way so Robin and I can have some quiet time.

"What was that about?" he asks, sitting beside me

"Oh, Maleficent tried to turn us against each other and I believed her. It doesn't matter now" I explain

He nods and looks at Amelia who's snuggled up against me, sound asleep

"She's gorgeous" he laughs

"She is" I nod

He pulls me in for a kiss but I pull away quickly as a sharp pain rushes through me

"Regina? What's wrong?" he panics

"Take the baby!" is all I can say

He takes Amelia out of my arms and starts bouncing her as she starts to cry

"Shush little one, it's okay" he whispers to her

Another pain comes, an excruciating one, making me scream loudly and my vision going in and out of focus. Zelena rushes to my side as the world starts to spin around and around.

I can't hear or see anything, except my screams and the pain that continues to rush through my body as the room spins.

Before I know it, everything goes black...

Uh oh! This will be the only chapter I'm updating today, I said it was my dad's birthday yesterday and I just want some quiet time today. I'll update tomorrow if I feel like it. Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading.

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