Chapter 214

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I walk down the stairs, balancing my daughters in my arms. I find Zelena in the kitchen, pouring milk powder into two different bottles.

"Do you want some help?" I offer

She jumps and turns to face me, laughing

"With two children in your arms, I don't think so, I think you need some help" she laughs

"I agree" I laugh

"Here" she smiles, walking over to me and taking Amelia from me

I watch as she puts the bottles in the microwave for 30 seconds

"I take Regina wants to feed one of them?" she asks

"She didn't say but I guess" I shrug

She nods as the microwave goes off and she removes the bottles from the microwave, placing them on the counter and handing one to me.

"Is that it?" I frown

"Yes ,that's all you do" she nods

"I thought it was more complicated than that" I laugh

"Nope, it's really not" she says

I place the bottle in Isabella's mouth and she latches onto it straight away, drinking it slowly.

"I'll take Amelia up to Regina" Zelena says, heading upstairs

I like this chapter to be honest! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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