Chapter 86

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They lead us both into a room and Whale gestures for me to lie down on the bed. The screen that I will see my baby on is already hooked up and ready to go. I'm starting to get nervous again as I lift up my shirt and Whale squirts on the cold gel.

He places a strange stick like thing to my stomach and moves it around, his eyes focused on the screen. I jump slightly as Zelena grabs my hand, sensing my nerves.

All of a sudden I hear a noise. A heartbeat.

"Is that?" I ask

"Yes, that's your baby's heartbeat. A strong one too" Whale nods

"And this is your baby" he says

I look at the screen to see a very tiny alien like baby. It doesn't look real. But that's mine and Robin's child. We created that, together. My eyes start to well with tears and pour down my cheeks.

"Are they okay?" I ask after a while

"They look perfectly healthy Regina" Whale nods

"I'll print you a picture of the baby" Whale says exiting to room

Zelena hands me some tissue to wipe off the gel on my stomach and some more tissue to wipe my eyes.

"Are you okay?" she asks

"I'm fine, it's just overwhelming" I sigh

She wraps her arms around me tightly

"I miss him" I blurt

"I know, I know" she replies

She pulls apart from me and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"But we're going to get through this together" she says

I nod in reply

Whale re-enters the room and hands me the picture of the ultrasound. I smile as I look at the photo of my child that will be here in a few months' time...

This is my favourite chapter out of the whole story! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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