Chapter 176

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Regina stays silent while Zelena checks everything. Her whole body is tensed and the tears continue to flow down her face. I know what she's thinking. She's thinking the worst.

Zelena sits up, smiling weakly

"What is it?" Regina panics

"Everything's fine, you're ready to push" Zelena smiles

Regina breathes a sigh of relief but it quickly turns into a moan as a contraction comes on.

"Let's get you onto the bed" I say to her

She nods and I pick her up and carry her over to the bed and lay her down...

Yay everything's okay! So I'm going to say this now before I forget, I might not update tomorrow because I'm going on a school trip and won't get home till 10:30 at night so I won't be home all day unless I cancel my after school session then I might be able to update but I'll see, sorry if I don't. Also, check out my new story in my works 'I'll always remember you', I think you'll like it! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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