Chapter 168

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"AHHHH! WHERE IS SHE?" Regina screams through a contraction

"She'll be here soon darling, just breathe" I reassure her

She does as I say and starts to pant.

"This is all your fault" she whimpers

"I know, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left you" I agree

"What? Robin, that doesn't matter now, you're here, I was referring to the pain. I understand why your left, for your son, I would've done the same" she sighs

I smile at her and pull her lips onto mine but she quickly pulls away as a contraction hits.

"I love you" she whimpers, crushing my hand

"I love you too" I smile, trying to ignore the pain from her crushing all the bones in my hand

Cute OQ scene! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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