Chapter 222

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One week later


It's been a week since the girls were born. And everything's going downhill. Regina's getting no sleep; Isabella and Amelia are always keeping her awake, crying to be fed or to be changed. You can see the dark circles under her eyes in the morning.

It's either that or the sickness keeping her awake all night. She keeps throwing up and coughing non- stop. Something isn't right, but she won't tell me what it is. Zelena's noticed too and she's keeping a close eye on her after her haemorrhage last week.

I wake up to find Regina's side of the bed empty and Amelia and Isabella's cribs empty. A loud retching noise comes from the bathroom and I assume Zelena has the girls.

Slowly, I walk over to the bathroom and open the door quietly, crouching beside her and rubbing her back as she continues to throw up. After about 15 minutes she slumps into my chest, breathing heavily and shivering, sheen of sweat lying across her forehead. I place a hand to her forehead and remove my hand straight away.

"Babe, you're burning up" I say to her

"Mm..." she mumbles

"Come on let's get you into bed" I say, giving her my hands and helping her up

I'm so sorry for the late update! Poor Regina :(! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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