Chapter 44

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"But what?" Zelena frowns, her eyes slightly worried

Quickly, I pull away from her and run to the sink, throwing up violently. Zelena is at my side straight away.

"Regina, what's going on?" she asks

"I'm pregnant" I whisper, clutching my stomach

She wraps her arms around me again as I continue to sob in her arms.

"I don't think I can do it" I say

"Regina, you're the strongest person I know. I hate to admit it but you are. You can get through this. I'm going to help you, you're not alone" Zelena replies

"Thank you" I nod

"I can stay and look after you, be your midwife if you like. We could mend our relationship and get to know each other better" she suggests

"I'd like that" I smile

"So would I, but for now you need to go to bed and get some rest and then I'll go and get my things" she instructs me

So she helps me up the stairs and into bed.

"I'll be back in a bit alright?" Zelena says

"Okay" I smile

Aww! Sisterly bonding! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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