The final chapter

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Hey guys,

So, I'm very sorry to say that, that's it for Come find me . I'm really sad. I've loved writing this story and talking to you all and seeing the views go up each day. You all make me smile!

I'm going to upload my Outlawqueen one shot in a second called 'The Vault' so make sure to go to my works and check that out!

There is also going to be a sequel to Come find me, I have a really good idea in my head and I need to write it down but while I'm writing it I'll be uploading the sequel to The Bond of Love, which will be called 'searching' and it is an Outlawqueen fanfiction if you haven't read the first story and it should be in my works tomorrow when I get home from school. The sequel to come find me will be focused on Zelena mainly but we'll flip back and forth from Regina to Zelena because I love them both equally.

I'd like to thank all of you for supporting me all the way through and for not giving up on me. Most of you have stayed with me from The Bond of Love but the people I've been able to talk to from writing Come Find Me, you've been really supportive too so thank you. Being able to share my stories on here has really boosted my confidence and it's made me become a better person and I'm grateful for everyone's help and support.

There are some people in particular I'd like to thank.

First off I'd like to thank Outlawqueen_for_life. For your encouraging comments on each chapter, you make me smile and encourage me to carry on writing. You make me laugh so much (in a good way) with some of your comments about Maleficent! So thank you for your support and for your comments that always make me smile!

Next I'd like to thank Penelope33 for your support and comments. Like Outlawqueen_ for_ life your comments make me smile and laugh too!

Thirdly I'd like to thank msleamichelle27 for the name suggestions of Amelia and Rose! You really helped me out so thank you. Also, like everyone else you've supported me and commented positive comments that make my day so thank you!

Also, thank you to Oncerfanatic for the name suggestion of Isabella, you also helped me out!

And finally, to Spencerfoxx for the continuous support you give me. You've supported me from beginning to end and you've helped me loads with the Bond of Love and with Come find me and I don't think I'd still be writing on here if it wasn't for you, so thank you so much for your positive comments on every chapter that always make me smile and encourage me to continue writing!

And finally, finally I'd like to say a very big thank you to all my viewers and people who vote and view my chapters! You all make me smile and I love seeing the views on my story go up every day!

So I hope to see you all in my next fanfiction which will be uploaded tomorrow! Thank you to everyone for all your support! I love you all, Jenna xx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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