Chapter 38

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Regina needs someone to look after her. She has me and Snow but she needs someone who knows about pregnancy and who can be there for her throughout the whole pregnancy.

Zelena is the only person that comes to mind, I won't tell her she's pregnant I'll just get them to speak first.

So I pick up my phone and dial Zelena's number.

"Hello" she answers

"Zelena it's Emma" I say

"Oh, what do you want?" she sighs

"Regina, she's not herself and she's refusing to let anyone talk to her, including Henry. She needs you" I lie

"What makes you think I'm her best chance? She hates me" she huffs

"That's not entirely true, she's forgiven you so maybe you should put your differences aside and try and talk to her" I reply

"Fine" she gives in

"Okay, I need you to go over to her house in a couple of days" I instruct her

"Why not now?" she asks

"Because she's not here" I lie

"Alright, I'll go but don't expect much" she huffs back

"Thank you" I reply

"Don't thank me until I've done something" She points out

"Can I go now?" she adds

"Yes, thank you" I nod

"Bye" she says

"Bye" I reply, putting the phone down

Okay so as I said I'm bringing Zelena into the story. I know that Zelena isn't actually a midwife but let's just pretend she is. Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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