Chapter 70

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So I head in to the house, put the bags down in the kitchen, I'll unpack them later. I need to check on Regina so I tip toe quietly up the stairs and push the door open. She's still sleeping but she looks incredibly uneasy.

As I get closer to her I notice she's moving around frantically, her face covered in tears. She's mumbling something, a name.

"Maleficent" she says

I sit by her side as her nightmare continues to get worse. She's screaming.

I start to shake her. Nothing.


She sits bolt upright and starts to hit me violently.

"Regina it's me! It's Zelena, it was just a dream!" I say calmly

"She tried to take my baby" she cries

I wrap my arms around her comfortingly and rock her gently in my arms.

"No one is going to take your baby, I assure you" I whisper to her

Aww, poor Regina :(! Comment your thoughts/ opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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