Chapter 11

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6 weeks later

I wake up to feel my stomach churning and the urge to be sick. I dash out of bed and into the bathroom to be sick. Luckily, I only just make it to the toilet.

This has been happening for the past 3 days now and it's starting to concern me. Alongside it I've had: horrible back ache, headaches and stomach cramps.

I throw up until I feel like I'm going to pass out, which makes me sick even more. I would take a trip the hospital but it's probably just a sickness bug.

I'm starting to wonder if this has anything to do with Maleficent but then I remember she's dead and she can't hurt me. Also, if it was her I'd be dead by now.

Thank goodness Henry isn't here or he'd be calling Dr Whale and panicking. He's with Emma for the week.

Uh oh! Has anyone guessed what's up with her? It's pretty obvious isn't it? Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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