Chapter 149

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As I put the first plate into the hot soapy water I see a familiar person standing behind me in the reflection of the window. I spin around in panic.

"Maleficent" I say angrily

"Hello, dear" she replies

"Looks like your plan failed" I smile

"Yes it did but not entirely, because I can still kill you" she laughs

"Zelena what's going on?" Regina asks walking into the kitchen

She stops dead in her tracks when she sees Maleficent

"Regina, go!" I say

"No, what are you doing here?" she says, shaking slightly

"I'm here to kill your sister" Maleficent shrugs

"I don't think so" Regina says, conjuring up a fireball

"Well I do" Maleficent laughs

Before I know what's happening Maleficent slams me against the wall, I fall to the floor and everything goes black...

DUN DUN DUN!! Comment your thoughts/opinions on  this chapter and thanks for reading!

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