Chapter 26

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Ten minutes later


The ambulance finally arrives and before we know it, Regina's loaded onto a stretcher, a breathing mask over her face.

Henry, Snow and climb into the car and drive to the hospital. We manage to catch Regina just in time as she's taken into her hospital room. But we're stopped in the doorway.

"I'm sorry, you can't go in there" a nurse says

I sit down in a chair beside Henry, waiting for Whale to come out the room to tell us what's going on. Henry eventually falls asleep on my shoulder.

I however, can't sleep. The image of Regina collapsing into my arms is playing over and over in my head, causing me to worry about her even more.

What if it's deadly serious?

There has to be a reasonable explanation as to what's wrong with her. A sickness bug can't make you look that ill surely. There's one thing I can relate it to but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. Regina would've told me if she was.

Unless she doesn't know herself...

Ooh Emma's working it out! Have you guys figured out what's wrong with Regina? Comment what you think is wrong with her! Also, comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading! I'll update again tomorrow!

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