Chapter 139

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I'm pulled from my thoughts when Emma walks back into to the station, giving me a frosty glare.

"Good to see you're still in there and not trying to kill Regina" she snaps

"I wasn't going to kill her, for the hundredth time I was protecting her! Why doesn't anyone believe me!" I argue

"Because Zelena, believe it or not, you tried to kill Regina once before, you wanted vengeance and now when Regina is having a baby you think is the right time to get your vengeance. You haven't changed, you're still a villain!" Emma says angrily

"Use your super power, see if I'm lying!" I suggest

"I don't need to use my superpower Zelena, because I know you would do something like this" Emma argues

I'm about to reply when Henry walks into the room.

"Mom, have you seen my mom?" he asks Emma

He turns and sees me and his eyes widen in shock

"Zelena? Why are you in there?" he frowns

I'm about to explain when Emma cuts me off.

"Henry, come in here and I'll explain things to you" she says, leading Henry into the little room in the corner, closing the door behind her

Someone commented on the last chapter asking why doesn't Emma use her superpower on Zelena. I completely forgot about that so I put it in! So Outlawqueen_for_life, there's your answer, thanks for reminding me about that! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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