Chapter 3: I'm sorry?

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Anna's Pov

  Can I just say one thing? No? I'll say it anyway. FOOD IS MY LIFE. So as any person can imagine, after three PAINFUL periods and embarrassing stomach growls, the joy I have experienced when the ding dang bell rang. Woah, that rhymed.
Anyway, I tore off to the cafeteria, quickly putting away my binder and stuff back in my locker. I ran as fast as I could to the lunch line, maybe fast enough to win a marathon. Food is pretty much the only reason I get active, as in getting up from the couch and running to the pantry for chips. Quite a workout.

  I paced to David and I's usual table, excited to see my best friend. Not seeing a person who is practically the other half of your life is killing; sometimes you just need to mumble random nothings into their ear once in a while because they are just, there.
David and I normally sat at our own little table by the corner of the lunchroom and considered it our own special place. According to David, our table was strictly ours and prohibited from the rest of the student body. Therefore, no one ever dared to disobey his orders and do as they have been told. It was pretty surprising seeing how much power your friend could possess during the middle of the school year, and in such a small time frame as well.

I stumbled upon my own footsteps when I found the lunch table empty. Wierd. I scanned the lunchroom, standing on my tippy toes to get a better view. Being short has A LOT of disadvantages. Although my mother claims that I'm supposedly "average", I'm a chihuahua compared to the long-legged dinosaurs in this dump.

  After a few dreadul minutes of glancing around the room, I finally spotted David...  SITTING AT AVA's TABLE!

  Yep, he's finally become mental.

I marched my way up to oblivious male, scowling from disgust that I have to walk to the same table Ava's sitting at, with her  clique sitting beside her.
  With David's back facing me, not even NOTICING I'm here boiling my brains out, I smacked him upside on the back of his head.

Who cares about the hands-off policy? The staff members wouldn't even care if I had invited John Cena to a wrestling match in front of the school, with Adele singing in the background.

  "Ow! What the hell!" David exclaimed.

  "Uh don't WHAT THE PINEAPPLES WITH ME YOUNG MAN!" I shot back."Why are you here with these idiots? I swear David sometimes you are unbelieveable. But now, this is just mental!"

  A few moments had passed, and David turned back towards me with as stone hard expression on his face, too hard to decipher. I flinched at his sudden expression, confusion filling my features. In all the years we've been friends, he's never shown me a such intimidating side of him.

What did Ava do to him?

  At my surprise, he snarled, "Get out of my  face nerd, I don't need your petty remarks and nags anymore. You're a nobody, who would want you in their lives? Get a life, you're clingy as hell and I'm about done with babysitting your sorry, lonely, pitiful self."

"Ha, ha." I rolled my eyes. "Come on, David. The lunch line is getting long. This is stupid."

"What in your stupid ass head makes you think I'm kidding?"

His remark completely took me off guard. He had never swore in his life, even when he was extremely furious about something. 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how he broke my heart.

"Uh um what?" I asked. I know I have must been really sensitive about the situation, but this coming from David? My crush? My best friend? Words can hurt, but from him, they killed me. "Y-you're kidding right? David, stop joking around, this isn't funny. What did Ava do to you? Are you mad at me? What did I do?"

  "Well, it was about time I finally took everyone's advice, which made me realize I don't need you anymore. I'm popular. And you're just, you. I've been wasting all of my time spending them with a girl who has no friends and talks about boy bands all day.  What use are you to me anymore? I just, I just don't need you anymore. I'm sorry." He spat the last two words with no sympathy whatsoever, and turned away from me like I wasn't even there. He slung his arms around Ava, and talked as if nothing had happened. It didn't help when Ava discreetly glanced at me and gave me a smirk.

  I felt tears brim my eyes as I heard quiet murmuring and whispers from around the cafeteria. As much as I hoped, none of them were good.


  Pathetic little idiot.

  I wouldn't blame him.

  Oh my gosh she's crying! What a wimp!

     I gazed at the floor as those words flooded in my brain. I didn't really know what to do, so I did what seemed best to me. I tore my way out of the cafeteria, and the rest of the world became blinded from my senses. A couple of laughs from around the room felt like million. Seconds felt like decades. Single tears turned into rivers pouring down my pale cheeks.
  He never came after me. No matter how much I thought and hoped he would, he didn't. I was on my own.

I'm sorry?  What a joke.

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