Chapter 23: Dreamin'

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Anna's Pov

I slouched in my seat; my hands folded onmy lap in front of me as I huffed, blowing the stray strands of hair out of the way. My eyes scanned around the lunchroom, and I hoped the blond boy was absent.

All day I have been trying to not be seen by anyone. From the looks and glances I have been receiving all day, I could tell they knew why I acted this way; especially of what happened the other day. But honestly it didn't really seem to matter that I was avoiding everyone since they were more than glad to not see my face.

I twiddled my fingers impatiently, then finally gave up on my tiny ounce of confidence to face David. I snatched all of my belongings from beside me and paced out the lunch door. I struggled to carry my binder and pizza at the same time, but I knew I could probably manage. I entered the quiet library and took a seat on one of the creme colored couches in the middle of the room.

I had no idea what I was doing, or an idea of what I was supposed to do. All I knew was that I shouldn't be seen by anyone; especially him. And when I stand by something, I do it.

After the day I had confessed to Riley about how I felt, I had come up with some sort of a solution; maybe I should distance myself from David. I need to have some space, and it wouldn't be right if I had feelings for an idiot like him. It's just not reasonable.

I grabbed a random book from the table that lay before me, and inspected the description on the back as I reluctantly opened my apple juice carton.

As soon as I started reading the excerpt on the back, I knew I had already hated it. I never loved the sappy romance novels, it had always involved a happy ending or one in the relationship miraculously died from a car accident or a incurable sickness. I'm still not over Augustus Waters.

To me, romance novels create a false tale of love. It creates expectations on how perfectly imperfect people are, and how much two people do for each other. How a teenage boy would get roses and chocolates for a girl randomly, or put his jacket over a puddle for her to walk over. In reality, all a girl wants now is a text back.

I winced in disgust as I carelessly tossed the book back on the table; the novel landing with a loud thump. I leaned back and huffed as I started rummaging through my binder; figuring that I might as well should organize it since I had nothing better to do with my life.

Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere I see a blur of pink coming towards my eye, and it wasn't long before I felt a sharp sting on my eyeball. I adverted my gaze in the object; seeing it was a light pink eraser. I could've sworn that I had gotten hit by a freaking bullet, because dang that hurt.

I snapped my head up, narrowing my eyes at the lunatic.

"Oh, sorry!" A boy called out sheepishly; receiving a shush from the librarian at the counter.

My eyes over his face with annoyance. His emerald pupils were laid on my short frame as he swept his curly brown hair to the side. Beneath the brunette's fringe was his plump lips; holding a playful smile.

Son of a dang gun. You best be having a death wish. Say a prayer, because you're considered lucky if you make it out alive.

I glared daggers at him from afar,then scowled as he watched me in amusement. He had a cute smirk on his face as he approached me. If I were any other girl, I would have fallen for his dazzling smile. Too bad I'm not any other girl.

"Idiot!" I harshly smacked him upside on the back of his head. "That freaking hurt! Get a life and find something more productive other than throwing erasers at random girls!"

"Hey hey! I said I was sorry!" He held up his hands in defense. His eyes glinted with amusement.

You know what? I definitely know a way to removed that stupid "glint" in his eyes. Anyone got some tongs? Never mind, I'll just use my bare hands instead!

"Well, sorry isn't going to heal the stinging in my eye!" I shot back. I crossed my arms over my chest, slightly twitching my eye at the burn.

"Well, maybe your eye is stinging because my sexiness is too much for your weak pupils."





"Are you serious?" I scoffed. "The only reason my eye would be stinging is looking at your female dog butt looking face!"

"Okay, I'm sorry, that actually wasn't meant for you. Chill. It was supposed to be for my ex-girlfriend behind you." He gestured over to a blond female seated at a chair two tables behind me, boredly scrolling through her smartphone. "I caught her cheating with this David guy. Kissin' right against the lockers." His face filled with disgust as we glanced back at her, and from the corner of my eye I could see his fist slightly clench. I could hear the distinct Irish accent in his voice, reminding me of Niall Horan from One Direction.

Gosh darn, why does this guy have to be so cute.

Wait, nope. He's not. David is. Well, he kind of is. Probably. Maybe. Definitely.

Well, at least we both have the same hatred towards David. Well, I still hate the blond idiot, despite the little stupid crush.

Stupid feelings.

"Oh, David Parker?" I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"Yeah, that Douchebag David." He scowled.

Douchebag David? What are the odds?!

"So, what's your name?" I question, awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other.

"Louis Poland. Yours?"

Woah, it was kind of surprsing that his name sounded like Lou-ee, instead of the common name of Lewis. His name is a One Direction member? This guy must have 1d written all over his forehead by now. Oh gawd.

"Anna Marcy." I struggle to hide my huge grin.

"Well, I better get going. I'll see ya around yeah?"

"Okay! I'll see ya around Louis!" I reply cheerfully.

I watch as he strides out of the room, a huge blush; followed by a smile etched onto my face.

Wow, I must be dreamin'. But eh, I just met him anyway.
So sorry! I was pretty busy with Thanksgiving and Black friday this past week. And I was reading books because I haven't been doing it lately. Thanks for reading!

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