Chapter 37: Strong

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David's Pov

"Are you ready yet David?! You've been standing in front of the ding dang mirror for the past fifteen minutes! Get ahold of yourself already!" Anna groaned, looking up from her phone as she leaned back against the headboard of my bed.

I haven't moved a centimeter for a while, actually taking the time to observe myself in the mirror. Have you ever thought you were so disgusting and hideous, you would literally get terrified of your own reflection? That is definitely how I felt right now, but a thousand times worse. All I could see were the flaws plastered across the features of my body, and hear the constant rants of the negative voices in my head.


You look hideous. No one would care if your ugly self died. They would be happy they wouldn't have to deal with a disgrace like you.

Kill yourself.

See that? That's the definition of a mistake.

Your parents don't want you, and never will.

"I look like a damn pathetic piece of crap." I  cried out, gazing carefully at my reflection.

"Are you listening to them again?" She snaped her head towards my direction, mumbling quietly as she started walking towards me.

"But they're right."

"No they arent! They're wrong. Absolutely positively wrong! Don't question your beauty. All these 'voices' may say you are hideous, but the truth is you're definetely the opposite. I can't believe someone so beautiful believes something so untrue. "

"I'm not perfect." I mumbled and stuffed my head desperately in my hands. I could feel darkness pool in my stomach, but sparks ignited in my heart.

"You're a blessing in my eyes." She whispered. She delicately took my hand in hers. It fit perfectly, an unmistakable match. They looked as if they were meant for eachother; puzzle pieces that complete the picture.

"More like a burden." I genuinely replied. I glanced back to my reflection in the mirror, practically gawking at how gorgeous Anna looked compared to me.

It was as if she resembled a graceful swan, while I looked like a clumsy ugly duckling trying to figure out what water even was.

"Come on, let's get away from the wretched mirror and head to school yeah?" She urged, and lead me towards the door, snatching our backpacks on the way out.


"Are you going to be okay?" I hesitantly asked. Knowing that Anna will eventually see Louis, it could turn horrible. Anna is practically the freakin QUEEN of SASS; she could put more of a fight than I ever could.

"Yeah, yeah. It's more of you I'm worried about." She responded, shrugging her shoulders as we walked through the entrance of the school.

"Just don't listen to all the negative things people say about you. Just remember, if you hurt, I hurt too." Next thing I know, she disappeared from my side.

I quickly sprinted to my locker, ignoring all of the giggles from the girls who thought my new look looked "hot" and the greetings my "friends".

Still the same biscuits as they were before.

I've been spending way too much time with Anna.

I paced towards my advisory room, carrying my binder on the side of my body. Just as I was about to enter the classroom, I was yanked back by a strong force on my hood.

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