Chapter 32: Unexplainable

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Anna's Pov

"The Cobb Bears are down by two! Only one minute left on the clock!" The announcer exclaims.

The whole crowd cheered for their teams in anticipation. Our school were holding onto hope by a thread.

At first, I was pretty hesitant about coming to this basketball game. Other than making an entire bloody fool of myself, I thought that sports events were dreadful. However, my suspicions were mistaken.

The audience were screaming at the top of their lungs, parents hollered their son's name, the cheerleaders chanted their practiced lines, and I watched intently as the tired players paced around the court. My heart was pumping fast in my chest as the time on the score board decreases.

I glance at David, seeing as he was tired and sweaty. In his hands were the basketball, our only attempt in victory, or at least a tie. The adrenaline were coursing through my veins, as cliché as it sounds, it was now or never.

"10! 9! 8!" The crowd hollered. The tension was thick throughout the gym. I watched as David furrowed his eyes in concentration. There was no time to pace closer to the basketball goal, so he went in for the shot. I gasp as he skillfully shoots the ball towards the rim, making a swoosh sound as makes it in. He had just made a three pointer, winning the school the game.

"Oh my gosh!" I squeal. I sprint along with our staff and students towards our basketball team, cheering and yelling our school basketball name. I direct my eyes towards the blond boy, who is smiling sheepishly at the compliments and cheers for his winning shot.

"You were absolutely awesome!" I gush, hugging him tightly. I wrinkle my nose at his stench, making me cringe on how sweaty he was.

"Uh, thanks Anna." He responds, hesitantly resting his chin on my shoulder.

"And... I'm sorry for pouring milk on you and stuff. I sometimes go too far."

"Sometimes?" The blue eyed male arched his eyebrow.

"Shut up! I'm trying to apologize!" I whine. I cover my face in embarrassment, shaking my head.

"Well, instead of lashing out on the me, why can't you just tell me what I did wrong? I forgive you, but just tell me instead of humiliating me in front of the whole school."

"Okay." I genuinely smile into the young man's orbs.

"Wanna go to the icecream store after this?! We haven't been there in ages!" He announces.


"Geez Louise Anna!" Louis shouts, pretending to crawl weakly towards my direction. "Stop... running... away..."

"Puh leez! Stop acting like a girl. Well, you kind of look like one anyways." I laugh.

"Rude!" The brunette sasses. He dramatically flips his hair, pouting his lips. He winks cheekily at me, causing me to burst out in giggles.

"Got somethin in your eye? Stop twitching it you bloody idiot!" I cackle.

All of a sudden, realization hits me like a ton of bricks.

"David!" I exclaim, whipping me head to where he stood. However, he was long gone. "Dang it." I physically face palm myself, earning a questioning expression from Louis.

"Anything wrong?" He questions.

"Oh, it's just that David asked me to go somewhere with him. I was about to ask you to go, but I guess the plan is canceled anyway."

"Why won't we go somewhere then?" He suggests, "You could invite David! He was pretty good out there. We could all come by Starbucks and chat for a while."

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