Chapter 31: Decent Measures

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Anna's Pov

By the sound of rain pattering and the dullness of the sky, I knew I would have a difficult time walking to school. I loathed the gloomy weather; as it tends to affect my mood. Whenever it was sunny, I would be pumped with adrenaline, but with the dreary climates, it was as if I could barely function properly.

I huffed out a heave of air and snatched a nearby jacket hanging by my closet. I forcefully trudged down the stairs and whipped the door open, only to be greeted with the running water seeping down the porch roof.

These were the times I wished I had a car to drive to school with, or even a driver's license. Since my parent's don't really come home often, I never got to get a permit or learn how to drive. 

I draped the black hood over my head and started taking hesitant steps out of the house. I made sure to lock the door securely before heading on my dreadful, horrible, sickening journey.

I cringed as the rain poured upon my jacket, as well as soaking my boots. I shivered at the coldness, knowing there was no possible way in mankind to arrive at school decently dry. This was the end of me.

"Need a hand?"

I spun around quickly, luckily not earning a whiplash in the process. My eyes widened surprise at the presence of Louis. When had he ever walked to school? I have never seen him walk this route, or I would have probably noticed by now.

As if responding to my unanswered question, he said, "My mom's car is in the repair shop so I gave her my car to use to drive to work."

"Ooh." I mumbled. All of a sudden, I noticed that the harsh rain wasn't pouring on me anymore. I glanced above me, only to find a dark blue umbrella over my head.

"That's better." Louis grinned down at my short figure. My head only reached up to his chest, making me scowl at how small I was compared to him.

"Oh, Louis you don't have to! I'm fine and I'd be taking up space in your umbr-"

"I want to, don't worry." He interrupts, smiling sheepishly, "The umbrella is gigantic anyway. I couldn't let you drown in the rain even if I wanted to. Shall we?"

I bite my lip furiously in attempt to force back the huge smile threatening to make its way upon my face. I could practically feel the blush creeping on my pale face. After a few moments of striving to compose myself, I stutter a weak, "We shall."

We trudge through the wet sidewalks for a few minutes; which consisted of sneaking glances at one another. At the end, we would always end up as a blushing mess.

"Are you still going to the basketball game after school?" The brunette questions, interrupting the quiet enviornment.

"D-definetely!" I beam. To be frank, I totally forgot that he had asked me to hang out with him yesterday.

The thought of spending time with him made the all too well known butterflies erupt in my stomach. I could feel my entire body start to shake in excitement.

Next thing I know, we arrive in front of the building doors. Louis closes his umbrella and shakes the excess water off. Before I could even place my hand on the door, he opens the entrance for me.


"No problem." He replies.

When we enter the school side by side, it felt different. I had always been alone and invisible in a crowd. I always walked by myself to my locker and trudged to my advisory room with no company. Therefore, it meant a lot that Louis was here with me. That another person; other than Riley, finally cared about me.

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