Chapter 9: Gone Too Far

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Anna's Pov

"I'll see you tommorow yeah?" David walked up to me with his pencil and his scribbled notes in hand.

"Duh, where else would I be?" I rolled my eyes.

"Sheesh, why so harsh?"

"Hey, I wasn't born on this planet to be nice to people, especially you. I'm sorry! Does little Davey need his mommy to make him fweel better? Does he need a kiss from his mommy?" I mocked.

"From you, anytime."

I looked down at my shoes, attempting to cover my blush. Darn it! It wasn't supposed to be like this! I shouldn't blush at this kind of stuff; I hate him. I hate him for what he did and I shouldn't forgive him. He can't pretend that everything is back to the way it was just because of a stupid little project. That's that.

"Aw, did little Anna just blush? Does she need her mommy?" He teased, mimicking my previous actions.

"Shut up, just stop." Ugh why did he always have to win! I hid my face in my hands, trying to cover my face in humilation. However, the humliation started to boil into anger from the memories of the past.

"Hey! I got an idea! Want to go to the ice cream shop? It's about like 3 minutes away. My parents can pick us up there after and drop us off at your house." David's eyes brightened with excitement.

"Are you freakin' serious?" I scoffed. "After everything you've done you expect us to skip to the ice cream shop and the world to be all sunshine and rainbows? Not really sorry but saying this, but never in a million years Douchebag David."

"O-oh, erm, sorry." He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "Got too carried away there. Wait! Did you just call me Douchebag David?!"

"Well, if you weren't so busy being so full of yourself." I trailed off, walking the opposite direction. "You would've heard me clearly. Oh, and David?"


"I saw your little scene with Ava out there. Please be considerate of the others around you. I bet they wouldn't want to turn blind by your little session. Bye!" I smirked, hearing him gasp from behind.


School had finally finished and I turned around the corner to where my street was. Surprise overtook my face as I eyed the red Camry parked on my driveway.

My parent's red Camry.

They were never really at the house often, and I only got to see them once a week, if I was lucky. They were always too busy with work, and since they had a job at the same building, they both drove there together. I understood that they had to work to provide for our family, but that much?

I pulled out my house key as I walked up the porch steps and paused at the door. I take deep breaths, fix my hair, and straighten my clothes a bit.

I never wanted them to see me looking like I had to rely on them all the time. I didn't want them to see me weak; to see that the fact they were barely home affected me greatly. Ever since the end of , it felt as if I was living with strangers. Like our bond and relationship we had built up for the past years were long forgotten.

I turned the doorknob and peeked in the house cautiously. I heard click-clacking of pots in the kitchen and rustling coming from the dining room. I headed towards the kitchen, where I found my mom cooking dinner.

She looked very much like me. We both had the same green eyes, strawberry blond hair, and alike face features. Even though she was thirty-eight, she still looked young. In the past, people had mistaken us as sisters.

"U-uhm hi mom" I awkwardly greeted, not knowing what to do. I hesitantly held out my hand for her to shake.

"Anna! You're home!" She exclaimed. She embraced me in a huge hug.

When I say huge, I mean huge. She literally tackled me to the ground. Yeah, my mom is wierd.

"I've missed you so much!" She gushed. "Come, I'm done cooking dinner, dad is in the dining room."

"Uh okay." I responded.

I reluctantly made my way to the dining room, where I found my dad dancing to a song on the radio played on his own.

"Everybody wanna steal my girl, everybody wanna- Oh hello my Annabear!" He greeted. "Come and give Papa bear a hug."

I trudged slowly to him, holding out my arms to him. He immediately hugged me.

"Dinner's ready!" My mom shouted from the kitchen.

We took our seats while she brought out a GINORMOUS plate of spaghetti. My dad gave us a fair portion of spaghetti on each of our plates and we all ate in silence. It was very awkward to say the least.

"So, um, how's school?" My dad asked, attempting to create a conversation.

"Pretty good." I shrugged carelessly.

What a complete lie.

No one other than Riley talk to me at school. The student body act as if I'm the plague or a deathly disease, and they make sure that they won't be coming near me anytine soon. I didn't have a clue of why people treated me like this and not even know a single thing about me, and that's what bothered me the most about the whole situation.

"How's David?" My mom asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Ever since the start of elementary school, she had always known that I had a crush towards David. I would always remember the way she practically interrogated me for details after everytime the blond boy and I would spend time with each other.

"Well, he ditched me two years ago. If you hadn't noticed." I scoffed. "I cried every night, locked up in my room for a few months. But eh, too busy to even notice and care about it, right?"

"Oh, u-uhm, I'm sorry to hear that...." my mom shifted in her seat uncomfortably. Her face held so many emotions, but I was too tired to even care.

"Well, you would've noticed it a two years ago if you had the decency to care enough for me." I spat, getting up. "Thanks for dinner."

"Anna! Dinner isn't over yet!" My mom yelled from behind.

I paid her pleas no attention as I stomped up the stairs and went straight into my room.

I wasn't planning on apologizing. I was tired of feeling sorry for people, especially myself.

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