Chapter 21: Unbelieveable

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Anna's Pov

I immediately scrambled up, backing away from David as possible. I tried so hard to put on a blank facial expression on, but the tears threatened to pour out of the corners of my eyes.

I turned away instantly. I strive to take deep breaths and compose myself, yet, I just couldn't do it. I needed to get out of here before they saw me. They already hated me enough, and this would surely make my life worse if they more so caught a teae in their view.

"U-uh.. I have to go." I rushed, attempting to hide my face by covering it with a blanket of my hair. "Nice meeting you." I smiled sickly to the girl who had been smooching with David.

I tried to make an escape towards the girl's bathroom, but I was pulled back on the shoulder by David. I tried to resist, but his grip was too strong.

"Hey, hey. Are you okay?" His face looked concerned. His hands were set on my shoulders, holding me firmly in place.

"I'm perfectly fine!" I pulled back. I chuckleed nervously, and squirmed under his gaze. Similar to Riley, David saw right through my lies.

What was I supposed to say? He'll know I'm lying anyway. I couldn't just all of a sudden spill my feelings out in front of everybody. And this was the wrong time and the wrong place, but there was no way I would ever tell him anyway. Never.

"You're lying! Don't deny it! You are. How stupid do you think I am?"

"Hey kids! Get a move on! We don't have all day!" a school administrator yelled from afar. She sent us a stern look, refusing to receive any protests.

"She's right!" I chimed in. I finally managed to pull myself away from his grasp and started to make am escape for the restroom. "I'll see you soon! See ya!"

I sprinted through the door at the speed of lighting and darted into the farthest stall. I struggled to lock the door . I let out a breath as I leaned against the stall door. I took deep breaths just as the first tear falls down.

Too much drama in my life. Unbelieveable.





Baloney bored.

I have been concealed in this stall for who knows how many HOURS. As far as I know, it would approximately be about the start of sixth period, and lunch is after third period.

I huffed, and blew the loose strands of my strawberry blond hair out of my face. My leg started boucing in boredom. I just wanted something to happen, anything besides being stuck here.

There is no way I'm going out there again. I'm humiliated, miserable, and embarrassed as heck. Every "miracle" I hope for always fails and goes straight down in the dumps. Where the disgusting rats poop on it and the rotten banana peels rot.

Yeah, sounds about right.

"Anna?" I heard Riley call out, mentally cringing to myself at the fact I forgot I had a best friend. Sometimes these are the things I don't favor about a best friend relationship; they'll always come back for you. As sweet as that is, I'd rather ductape myself to this stall door instead and be miserable. Going back out there is definitely, positively, absolutely not a option for me.

I clamped my hand over my mouth, trying to prevent myself from panicking. I always end up doing something clumsy, which leads to people finding me in unwanted situations. This is why I never play hide and seek.

Then all of a sudden, I shrieked when I hear knocking on my stall door.

"I know you're there." Riley's voice scoffed from the other side of the stall door.

I blew out a long breath and unlocked the door. I stood up from my uncomfortable position from the door and shamefully trudged out of the cubicle.

"Where were you?" She put two of her fingers under my chin and pushed my head up to look at her.

"Somewhere over the rainbow." I stated sarcastically, then immediately shut my mouth when she gave me a grim look.

"Something happened. Spill." She demanded.

"I kind of had a run in with David." I trailed off, feeling the sadness creeping its way back in my heart.

Oh, here we go again.

"It's just... it's David!" I exclaimed, struggling to choke the words out. "I have feelings for him! This isn't supposed to happen! We were best friends, he ditched me. Then out of nowhere, he waltzes back into my life. I thought I would never go back. I swore I wouldn't. B-but it's hard. All of my hard work! I-I can't do this anymore! Every time I wish for something, it becomes a disaster!"

There's no stopping of the tears streaming down my face.

"I can't believe after all what he's done to me, all of the hurt he gives me." I struggled to continue the last sentence. "T-that these feelings are still here. I j-just don't know what to do anymore. It's heartbreak after heart. Yet, these feelings won't stop. I've tried! I always promised myself he wouldn't matter to me anymore. But heres the jumpy jelly jazzy jacked up thing about this, he still does. I don't know why, I don't know how, but he still does."

I sobbed heavily, and my shoulders shook francticall. My hands covered my face in sorrow. I was taken into a huge embrace by my best friend, an action I was not expecting.

Here we were in the bathroom, only my faint cries filling the silence.
Baboom! I have no idea how much I wrote, how bad it was, I'm so proud of myself right now. I'm on a roll. Omg! Finally reached 700 reads! I'd love to thank all of supportive readers who continue to read the new chapters daily. I appreciate how you take the time to read these. Unbelieveable! Thanks for reading!

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