Chapter 39: Fools

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Anna's Pov

"Mom! Please. You're embarrassing me!" I whisper shouted to my mother, who was bouncing around the clothing store from one structure of accessories to another. She madly paced and sorted through the various selections; from necklaces, bracelets,and purses to earrings, clutches, and bows. I physically cringed in embarrassment as my mother carelessly threw the unwanted items behind her back, thankfully not shattering to pieces. How is woman even considered a mother?

I nearly jumped as she loudly gasped and shoved an item in my view.

"This! I think this is the one! I know this is the one!" She squealed, dangling a false diamond necklace between the tips of her fingers. The medium sized jewels sparkled within the light and I winced as my mom thrusted her phone in front of my face; a picture of the dress I had previously bought was shown on on the screen.

"Anna! This will match perfectly with your dress. Ooh! And we will need to buy some shoes as well!"

"I still and always refuse to wear those high heeled killing machines." I warned, "Flats only."

"Got it. Flats only." She repeated.

It was very pleasant finally having quality time with my parents. However, while my mother and I constantly traveled from a store to another, my dad was sadly stuck on a mall bench; with his elbow on his knee, and his chin on his hand.

After fifteen minutes had passed by, I reluctantly agreed to buy the stunning necklace and similar designed earrings to match. Despite the price of seventy dollars for the jewelry, I finally gave in when my mother reassured me that I "deserved" it. Well, that's absolutely positively okay with me. I'll make sure I'll add a Ferrari to the list too.

When we exited the boutique, we waved out hands frantically and eventually managed to catch my father's attention and gestured that we were heading to another shop.
He lifted himself off of the wooden bench and strolled over towards us, eyeing the first and only shopping bag we had managed to collect.

"Finally!" He groaned. He jokingly exaggerated the way how he stretched out his arms and yawned audibly.

"Oh shut up!" My mom snapped back teasingly. "Like it didn't take you that long to finally propose to me!"

I bursted out laughing and clutching my chest, chuckling even louder at my father's flushed, red face.

"You're lucky I love you." He muttered, grasping my mother's hand.

"Wouldn't doubt it." She replied.

We ended up sauntering towards the food court, pausing in front of a smoothie shop. The was decently long, only a few amount of people before us.

"So," my mom started, clicking her tongue. "Do you have a date for the dance yet?"

"I wish!" I groaned. Well, to be specific; I wish David would ask me!

"Ooh, how about that blond headed best friend of yours huh?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, appointing to my blue eyed crush.

"Honey! Don't encourage her to date!" My dad scolded. My mother rolled her eyes in annoyance and turned to the cashier, placing our memorized orders from the previous occasional times we would come here.





"Skittles? Blankets? Pizza?"

"Check, check, and check!" I singsonged.

David and I had previously planned to have our movie night and sleepover days a week prior on the phone, since his dad had been required to take an extra shift at work. When I had told my parents the news yesterday, my mother immediately approved and literally shoved me out the door when it was time for me to leave. She even offered money to pay for the pizza.

"High School Musical? We watch this everytime Anna!" He moaned, slumping his shoulders as the introduction of High School Musical 2 played on the television screen. The brightness of the tv illuminated the fairly dark living room, giving me an exceptionally wonderful view of David.

"Shh. The movie is playing!" I shifted from my position in the couch and snuggled beneath the mass of pillows and plush blanket. Oh, the treasures of life.

Throughout the first half of the movie, we mainly focused on the movie, as well as managing to sneak a few glances at eachother during the funny parts to see each other's reaction. I eventually noticed that overtime, we had gradually moved closer to one another. Our shoulders were pressed up against eachother, and our legs were tangled amongst eachother.

All of a sudden, faint noises caught my attention. I whipped my head around to the mumbling best friend. I began to grow concerned as I watched David mutter incoherent phrases, but I could only manage to grasp some words along the lines of "Don't" and "Stop".

Don't or stop what?

A few moments passed and his whispers subsided, and I shrugged the questioning thoughts off and cuddled into his side. I secretly held in a grin when I heard his breath hitch and felt his heartbeat go faster under my fingertips. Did I really have this effect on him?


I yawned loudly and my eyes drooped as the credits rolled along the screen. I heard faint noises from the kitchen as David threw our garbage away, and I smiled as he entered back into the room and turned the lights off. He looked like a sleepy adorable kitten, with his hair slightly frazzled and had a comfortable outfit consisting of gray joggers and a random plain tee.

I'm a lovesick fool, aren't I?

His couch was surprisingly large, and the space available was enough for the two of us, maybe even more than we needed. I occupied a spot against the back of the couch, while David took the end. The soft, fluffy blanket felt like heaven, and having the blond headed male next to me was even better. How could life get any better?

David climbed onto the sofa, sliding himself beside me beneath the blanket. He lied on his side and nestled against my shoulder, making me blush like all the previous moments he had done that to me.

It was eerily quiet, but it was a comfortable silence between us. I sighed tiredly with my eyes closed.

"Anna?" David nudged my side. His voice came out nervous, yet urgent.

"What's wrong?" I asked, turning around and fixing my gaze on the boy.

He sat up from his position, looking down at me. His shoulders tensed, and his breathing went ragged.

"I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" I perched up from my position as well, looking at the outline of his face in the darkness.

"Please. Don't freak out. You might hate me after saying this. I understand if you don't even want to be my friend anymore. I just really need to get this off my chest. It's just that I was afraid you wouldn't want to hang out with me anymore and I-"

"It's okay." I interuppted, rubbing his arm reassuringly. "Whatever it is, I'm sure I'll be fine. Don't worry so much. Just speak your mind."

I watched as David clenched his fist and let out a shaky breath. He sputtered out the words too fast for me to grasp immediately, but enough to understand.

"I like you."

Hello loves! Stressful week! Any questions for the book? Comment below! Thanks for reading!

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