Chapter 18: Life, Loathe, and Love

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Anna's Pov

  "Take two!" David exclaimed, entering the room with paint supplies and old newspapers in his hands. He sat them down on the coffee table gently, then perched down on the opposite side of the table from where I was sitting.

  Since we never got to finish our project last time, we decided to finish up painting and decorating our volcano. I had already typed the essay (along with David's help) an hour ago. We had been working on our project for about three hours so far, which was quite a while.  
  However, we spent most of our time goofing around and talking instead of focusing on our assignment.

  "Ugh! I can't wait until this is over!" David groaned.

  "Oh, so you don't like hanging out with me eh? I'm hurt!" I pouted, feigning hurt.

  "Wait! I didn't mean that! I swear! I-" David's pleading was interrupted when I flung paint on him with my paintbrush.

  "Ahaha! Oh my gosh! You should've seen your face!" I cracked up, desperately trying to gasp for air.

  "Oh, I loathe you." He stated, trying to make a serious expression with yellow paint prodding at his eyelid.

  "Fancy word there, Mister Parker. Who knew someone so stupid could come up with such complex vocabulary." I teased.

  "Oh, I beg to differ Miss Marcy," He dipped his paintbrush and dashed in my directions

  "Aw heck nah!" I scrambled out of my seat and immediately took off. However, it obviously didn't take David long to catch up to me due to my lack of exercise.

  He was hot on my trail, running through our hallway leading back to the living room, where we had started the chase beforehand. David reached out his hands and tried catching me by grasping my shoulders,but we ended up tripping and landing on the floor.



  Hula Hippy Hopper Hecka Hippos.

  I absolutely could have not believed what had happened next.

  We tumbled across the floor, but I ended up laying on top of David with barely any space to spare between our faces . 

How ironic and cliche was this? Didn't these kind of things happen in books?

  I gulped as I stared into his blue eyes,  and silence filled the room. No more laughter, no more screams, just silence.

  We were a centimeter apart, maybe even closer. I bet only a thin piece of paper could fit in between us.

What if he could see my ugliness way too clearer from here?

  I thought of getting the heck off of him, but it was as if I was in a trance. All I could do, was jjust simply stare.

  I studied his face carefully. There were barely noticeable freckles scatters across his cheek bones. His eyes, they were more beautiful up close. How is that even possible? Looking at them was as if I was looking into a glimpse of heaven. Too much? I believe not.

  All of a sudden, I felt David leaning his face forward. I couldn't believe myself. Was this my imagination? Am I hallucinating? Was I actually going to kiss my ex-best frien-


I let out a shriek as I immediately fell of his body as David's phone rang loudly from across the room.

  We scrambled to stand up, and David rushed to answer his phone. In the meantime, I was  standing in place like an idiot, beginning to pick a loose thread on the hem of my sweater.

  Was it really going to happen? Or was it just a dream?

I let out a silent scream as I pinched my skin harshly. I heard David moving, so I turned around with a clenched jaw.

Dang that hurt.

  "Um, I have to go. My mom just called me. We are having family over for dinner. I'llseeyoutommorowbye." 


  By the blink of an eye, he was already out the door, and the door clicked closed behind him.

  Um.. what?

Hello lovelies! I hope you liked the chapter! So I've been thinking, should I make a special chapter with David's Pov in the future? Post your opinions in the comment section! Thanks for  reading!

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