Chapter 47: Solution

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Anna's Pov

My mind went blank. All I stared at and thought about was the maroon liquid that cascaded down his wrist. I diverted my eyes to his, seeing many emotions flash through his irises. Fear? Sadness? Relief?

"W-what are y-you d-doing h-here?" He stammered, but then his features contorted into an angry expression. "Get out of here! I don't want you here!"

My heart broke at how small and fragile he seemed; with no walls or defense to protect himself. The tears that poured down his cheeks, the multiple slashes on his arm to add to the plenty of others, his dark hooded eyes. This was definitely not the person who I had known for most of my life, and that terrified me.

It frightened me that throughout all of the years I had known him, that he could commit such action of harm towards himself; that he thought he deserved it all. It scared me that a person so beautiful, so breathtaking, believes the opposite, even to the point where he believes he knows it.

"Get out! Get out! Get out!" He yelled, making me jump. His hands clenched by his sides fiercely. "You have no right to just barge in here! Don't you see? This is your fault! I hate you! Get out of here!"

"David, listen to m-"

"Stop! Just go!"

"Please, just let me e-" I attempted to plead, only to be halted by rejection.

"Get the hell out of here!"

"No, David I-"

"Please." His shouts faded, and was replaced by a weak plead. "Please. Just go."

He broke out into sobs and the razor clattered to the floor. Blood ran down his hands from the new cut he had created from gripping the blade tightly. Whimpers and cries escaped his mouth as he buried his face into his knees. He wrapped his cut hand around his legs, and bawled helplessly. His right arm held three fresh cuts, laying limply beside him.

The bathroom filled with his quiet whimpers, and I was taken by surprise. However, I always known our relationship wouldn't be a walk in the park. Sometimes I felt that David was more vulnerable in this relationship than I was, and that was completely okay with me. Not everybody could be strong their whole lives; an individual has a breaking point. It just happens that David had hit his breaking point, and I couldn't blame him for that. I just knew that if there is a time when David falls apart, I'll be there to pick up the pieces.

I stuttered a breath and hesitantly took a step forward. I observed my broken lover, and slowly reached out my hands.

"Don't." I heard him quietly protest, but I ignored him. I helped him up onto his feet and wrapped an arm around his torso to guide him to the toilet.

"Let's get you cleaned up." I whispered gently. At first he attempted to resist my grip, but I internally grinned when I felt him slightly melt into my touch. I kept a fair amount of space between us as we trudged to the bathroom counter, making sure not to upset the blonde male. He slowly placed himself on top of the toilet seat, keeping his head down as I released his arms.

"Where's the first aid kit?" I questioned.

"In the cabinet."

I nodded silently to him and retrieved the kit from the cabinet, opening the box and started searching through its contents. When I finally found the items I needed, I wordlessly snatched a clean cloth from a nearby drawer and started to clean his arm. I washed the red liquid off his arm with the cloth and soap, as well has his hand. I spread a thin layer of antibiotic cream on the wounds and then bandaged them.

The silence in the room was tense. We really didn't know what to say to each other; where to start. David never made an effort to speak up for himself, so I decided to take that opportunity for myself.

"David, just, just please give me a chance." I looked up at the boy hopefully. "A chance to explain. I promise you that everything you saw wasn't true. You need to know. Please."

The lad was quiet for a few moments, but relief washed over me when he shortly replied, "You have one minute. Make this count, or I'm going to have to make you leave."

I frantically wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans as I hurriedly asked him, "So, remember when we planned to meet at the ice cream shop, right? "

"Yeah." He quietly answered. He looked at me with pain in his eyes, but I tried to ignore them as I continued.

"S-So I went to the café, but Louis was there. He said that he was there to meet with a friend, but I just knew it was rubbish. I tried to get him to leave me alone, but he just wouldn't. Then all of a sudden he grabbed my arm tightly, so much that I couldn't move. Then one thing led to another and then he leaned down to kiss me, but I couldn't escape. Then you saw us and.." Cries escaped my mouth and I fiercely wiped away the tears away with the heels of my hands. "I swear it's the truth. I promise. I would never do that to you and I just want you to believe me but I know it'll be difficult for you to because of all the things you've be-"

"I believe you." He cut me off, putting my rambling to a halt. "I.. I believe you."

"R-really?" I sat there, gobsmacked. I genuinely believed that this would be nore difficult. But hey, I'm not complaining either.

"Yeah, I trust you." He twiddled his fingers in thought. "We've been best friends for practically most of our lives, and I could tell if you're lying or not. Also, I know I've been through a lot, but I know I can trust you. I guess I was too stubborn to listen."

"Oh my goodness." I trailed off, but then I tackled David. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I repeatedly said while I pecked his cheeks.

"What for?" He quirked an eyebrow at me.

"Giving me a chance. To be honest, I thought you would just haul me down the stairs. Before I even got a chance to open my mouth."

"To be honest, I couldn't even if I tried." A smile hesitantly made its way upon his face.

"I'm just glad you believe me." I hugged him tighter.

"Wait, did Louis hurt you?" He pulled back and looked at me sternly.

"Only a bit. Just a little bruise. Don't worry, it's not really a big deal." I appointed to the bruise on my forearm and waved off his worried remark.

"A little?!" He screeched, inspecting it carefully. "I could see his bloody handprint!"

"It doesn't hurt though." I cut him off reassuringly.

"Okay, so it wouldn't hurt if I put a handprint on his face, his stomach, his arms, and his legs." He remarked, sly grinning to himself.

"Well it would but-"

"Nope, a handprint is a handprint."

"Geez, expert of handprints. How could someone be so knowledgeable of the print of the hand?" I sighed jokingly.

"Well, when you plan to beat up a pathetic excuse of a human being named Lewis." He shrugged casually.

"Well, either way, I'm glad to be in your arms." I nuzzled my freckled nose into his shoulder. "Don't you dare say how cliché I am and ruin the moment."

"Okay." He hummed. "Now shut up, I just wanna hug you."

"Your wish is my command, my prince." I murmured happily.

"I said shut up."

"Love you too boo."  ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Hello loves! I really don't like this chapter, like, at all. It's hard to plan when you're busy all the time. I originally planned another scene for this, but I forgot about it when I was halfway through writing this. Thanks for reading!

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