Chapter 28: If Only

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Anna's Pov

The sun beats against my face, making me wince at the brightness. My eyes droop, threatening to close. I slouch as I drag myself forward, faintly spoting the school sign in the distance.

I didn't have much sleep last night, because all I could think of was the kiss. All of the events flashed through my mind like a movie reel, replaying constantly. My head pounded; it was too much.

My strawberry blond hair kept blowing all over my face because of the strong breeze that whizzed by. My eyes were trailed on the ground striving to keep open.

I enter the school doors, not any where close to being ready for the day.


The hours rolled by terribly slowly, which consisted me attempting to keep my eyes open. Well, more like struggling. I had never been so thankful ever in my life once the lunch bell rang throughout the intercome.

I literally bolted out the door, putting my items in my locker at the speed of light. If that wasn't fast enough for you, I have no idea what is.

My lips were still stinging in adoration from yesterday's events. My cheeks would flush every time my mind wandered into that moment. It would be something I would never forget nor get used to.

I try to swim my way out of the ocean of students in the hallway, but the line dragged on slowly. Deadly slow.

However, the stream of children grew slower. Whistles and screams were heard from afar. A commotion was buzzing beside the doors of the lunchroom.

The curiousity took the better of me, and I slowly approached the scene. Tears started to flood my eyes, and my hands started to shake.

I watched as David pressed up the mysterious girl against the lockers, kissing her passionately.

My heart sank to my stomach, and my lips felt tainted with disgust. Those were the same lips he used to kiss me; especially the ones that stole my first kiss.

I turned away from the scene. This was too much. Too much pain. Too much mistakes. Too much heartbreak.

I guess I was wrong about him.

I shudder in disgust and started to trudge away. I shut my eyes tightly and covered my ears to tune out all of the hollers and shouts. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes, but only one managed to escape, leacing a burning trail in its path.

How could I be so stupid?

I forgave David. I pretended everything was okay. To be honest, I actually thought everything was. Then, I develop feelings for him, only for them to get trampled on. He stole my first kiss, for koala's sake.

I breathe heavily. I pinch the skin on my arm as hard as I could, as if to distract myself from my emotional pain. Also to punish myself for being so darn foolish.

I slowly make my way to the lunch line hoping no one would pay attention to the dry tear streaks on my face. I grudgingly make my way towards our usual table, only to find a proud, smirking David sitting beside my spot.

Oh, if only he knew what I was thinking right now.

"Hey my little Anna bear!" He greeted, ruffling my hair.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I growl. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Riley's eyes watch me skeptically. She knew what I could do to a person.

"Aw! Don't be so shy!" David punched my arm playfully.

I winced. Not that the punch hurt, it was that the punch came from him.

"You know what?" I toss a bitter smile at the blond male. "I was being rude. Here's some cookies!"

Out of nowhere, I grab the cookies out of my tray and shove it upon his face. I smirk as his eyes widen. He is stood still as I crumble the chocolate chip goodness on his hair; the feature he loved most about himself.

I tossed my tray on the lunch table, ignoring the gasps around the cafeteria.

"Oh! And do you know what goes GREAT with cookies?!" I didn't stop to hear his answer as I hastily snatched my milk carton and ripped the top open. "Milk!" I stepped back as I outstretch my arm to pour the dairy liquid on him.

Do you really think it was over? Wrong!

I stride to a nearby table and grab two more open milk cartons, pouring it on David.

"There ya go!" I smile gleefully. I brush my hands together and start exiting the cafeteria, with the still huge grin plastered on my face.

Just then, I mentally face palmed myself. Where was I supposed to go anyway? Clever exit, but terrible plan.

Confidence and pride still present, I march to the library, hoping to find a familiar brunette to talk to.
Hello Loves! I've been sick for the past couple of days, so sorry for the late late update. Thanks for reading!

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