Chapter 34: Wild

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David's Pov

Should I knock? Would it be too early? Is she home? What if she changed her mind?

I groan and stuff my face in my hands in embarrassment. I have been probably standing in of Anna's front porch for about fifteen minutes.

After she had invited me over to hang out, I had been a nervous wreck ever since.

I hesitantly lift my fist up, giving two weak knocks against the door.

Anna's Pov

I perk up at the sudden sound, scrambling up from the couch as fast as I could. I readjust my hair and straighten out my wool light gray sweater and dark blue jeans.

To be honest, I had definetely missed out hanging out with David for quite a while. Louis had been great, but sometimes I miss the old times. There's always something about him that would always bring me back to him, similar to a magnet.

Also, I felt terrible about leaving him the other day. Maybe the reason he's been looking so glum lately was because of me. I've noticed that he has been seeming very lonely lately and had been constantly avoiding his friends whenever they would attempt to talk to him.

His while aura had been exceptionally darker. His clothes were practically only gray and black, he always wore a beanie to cover his gorgeous blue irises, and his whole attitude confirmed the whole facade overall.

It worried the piggies out of me to say the least.

Maybe this is just a teenage stage in his life and he needs someone to be there for him. And that someone will always be me.

I frantically struggle to open the darn door, but my stupid shaking hands make it a difficult action to do. I have never felt so nervous in my life, especially with this kind of version of my friend.

My smile slightly fades when I finally open the door and observe his appearance. The blond lad had his hair hidden in a dull beanie, with his hands stuffed in his pockets, and he stared down at his black vans. This was a whole new different version of him compared to his usual bubbly self.

He looked hot. You could literally mistake him for an Abercrombie model.

"H-hi." He mumbled quietly.

"Hello!" I greeted joyfully, gesturing him to come in by motioning with my hand. "Thanks for coming. I missed our hangouts together!"

"Y-yeah, I-I d-did too.." David stammered nervously, "So what are we doing today?"

"Anything you want!" I smile reassuringly as he exhales shakily, obviously distracted by something. I shake off my thoughts and watch him fiddle with his fingers.

"What's wrong? You seem off today." I remark.

"It's nothing. I'm fine, don't worry." He assures, but his eyes tell another.

"Well, I was thinking that we could probably visit the ice cream shop you showed me last time. You know, since we didn't go after you won the basketball game. Sorry about that anyway." My cheeks flush scarlet, but curiousity take its place. Why did he choose to leave anyway?

"S-sounds great." He mumbles quietly.

I shake off my suspicions and head towards the front door, opening it again. I mentally face palm myself; why couldn't we just have met up there instead?

We had taken the familiar route to the parlor, with me mostly fast walking and David quietly trailing behind. I had attempted to create conversations along the way by asking various kinds of questions, but they would always end in short responses from the blue eyed male.

A relaxed smile makes its way upon my face as we finally enter the tiny building, being welcomed by the warm, homey atmosphere. I glance at the cash register, recognizing the familiar cashier behind the counter.

"David! Anna! I missed you little bugs! Haven't seen you in a while, I have." She greets us cheerily.

"Carol! I missed you too." David replies, less excited than the plump woman portrayed to be.

"Me too." I grin sheepishly.

"So, what may I get you lovelies today?"

After we ordered our selected choices, David had pleaded to pay, with me grudgingly agreeing since it was the most he had spoken the entire time we were together.

We took our seats at the middle of the room, fitting ourself on a plush, light gray couch with a coffee table in front of us for our convenience.

I had managed to stir up a decent discussion, babbling about random topics going on in the media and whatnot. We ended up watching funny videos online on my phone, using the wifi that Carol gave us the password to, thankfully. David had showed me all kinds of youtubers he loved, from Smosh, Pewdiepie, Nigahiga, to a lot more I couldn't remember. Also, I had begged him to watch some music videos along the way, followed by some makeup tutorials, which the blond boy had agreed to; since he said I was the "host".

The whole time we spent there were full of laughter, and the awkwardness faded and was forgotten. However, it all vanished when I say, "How is your sister? I haven't seen her in a while! I swear, I nearly forgot about her."

I panic as his eyes start to glisten in tears. His hands start to shake and his thumb makes its way to his wrist, mimicking his previous actions of pressing harshly against the skin.

"How could you forget her? What did she ever do to you?" He seeths through his teeth.

"I-I didn't mean to offend her. I just miss her is all." I try to assure him, but it only seems to make it worse.

"A-and I don't?!" I flinch as he exclaims, fist clenching and releasing by his sides.

"David, please. Calm down. What's wrong? She is just your sister, I bet you'll see her soon. Quit worrying." I reach my hand to rest atop his, but he only rips it away from my grasp.

He breathes heavily, and I begin to worry as tears start to run down his face, leaving a burning trail in its path.

"I-I can't. I can't see her." He manages to finally exhale out, followed by choked sobs.

"Why is that?"

"S-she's dead."

Those simple words break my heart. My blood immediately runs cold, now sympathy, guilt, and sadness coursing through my veins.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I swear I didn't know." I cry desperately, "Come here."

I open my arms and he rushes into my embrace, relishing every piece of comfort he could get. I sniffle quietly as he whimpers against me.

"It's okay. We're okay. You are strong. " I whisper in his ear.

He finally looks up at me, and I'm found at complete awe. He looks like a little young toddler, his pupils were darkened and the dried tear streaks make him look so delicate. So breakable.

I have never seen him in such condition ever since we had become friends again, and I definitely missed the feeling of how he would rely on me during his weak times, even though he tries to act brave. Like when he tries to do with me.

I push the questioning thoughts at the back of my head, noting myself to probably ask on when and how it happened. Especially on the shift on his personality and appearance. His actions and the way he had changed worries me, but I'll wait until he's ready. Everyone needs some time in their lives, but his time is limited on my part. I'll be patient, but not forever.

I break out of my trance as he nuzzles his face against my neck, making me blush tremendously; just like when we were children.

I sigh as I tighten my grip around his shoulders, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I sigh internally, melting into my crush's touch.

This boy will forever drive me wild.

Hello loves! Please notify me if I had made any mistake during this chapter. Ask any questions about the book on my account! Thanks for reading!

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