Chapter 49: Bantered

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Anna's Pov

I narrowed my eyes at the curly brown hair. My head peeked out from the booth, making sure not to expose much of myself for the brunette to see. I trailed my irises down the mop of curly locks, only to see that my confirmations were confirmed by his bright green eyes.


He was sat down at a booth with his family; his parents and his little sister. His eyes crinkled with amusement as his sibling flailed her arms in the air in excitement, seeming as if she was emphasizing a scene of a story. The way he watched her reminded me of how David used to look at his sister Darcy, but David looked at Darcy with much more love and admiration. This was the Louis I thought I was friends with, but too bad he was such a jerk.

"Anna?" My pondering comes to a halt when I hear my boyfriend's concerned voice. "Are you okay love?"

My heart fluttered at the name, but at the same time, the wheels in brain were turning.

Should I tell him?

Eh, he would probably find out sooner or later. I thought to myself. He has a bladder the size of a Tic-Tac. He is bound to go to the bathroom and see him on the way at some point. Might as well be honest in a relationship, right?

"Louis." I responded hesitantly. "Louis is here." I appointed to the jade eyed male across the restaurant.

"Why the bloody hell is he here?!" He whisper shouted. He glanced back at my parents to check if they heard him, but they were too engrossed in their own conversation to pay attention.

"Why are you asking me? Oh yeah, because I definitely have the answer to that one. " I rolled my eyes, receiving playful shove from my lover.

"The sarcasm and savagery is real." He mumbled, resting his chin on my shoulder.
We both watched as the lad chatted with his parents with a genuine smile on his face.

Who is the real Louis? I wondered. Is it the person who told David he was worthless and devised a plan with Ava to hurt me? The person who attempted to kiss me; fully aware that I had a boyfriend? Or was it this guy who happily enjoyed laughing and spending time with his family?

"What do we do?" He muttered against my shoulder.

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Well, you're the girl in this relationship. You should know what to do."

"Wow. I don't know whether to take it as a compliment or take it as sexism."

"Shut up." He nudged me.

"You shut up."



"Didn't we already discuss the potato situation?"

"Eh something about dating a potato and blah blah blah." I waved off with my hands.

After a few moments, David spoke up. "Should we go over to him?" He looked at me suggestively.

"I don't-"

"So how was your food my lovebirds?" My mother interrupted, putting our conversation to an end.

"Good." David nodded. "Really good. Very good. Too good. Absolutely good."

"Then I guess it was good then?" I cut in.

"Not just good. It was really good, ve-"

"Babe, we get it."

"Well, why did you ask the question?"

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