Chapter 24: Passing Time

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Anna's Pov

People wonder; why do things happen for a reason?

I always think I could've done something, or something better. To be honest, I was never satisfied with my life. I longed to travel around the globe, explore society, meet new people. Maybe even find my soul mate, if that exists.

Sometimes I blame myself for the bad events that occur in my life. My parents not spending time with me, losing David last year, and refusing to make a new group of friends. I wonder if things can happen like they do in the books, if miracles can exist.

However, the best things can happen as well. Especially the unexpected ones. Reuniting with my ex best friend, allowing Riley in my life, standing up to Ava, and meeting Louis yesterday.

I always wonder what would've happened if David never left me. As sad as it is, I'm kind of glad that he did in the end. Or I wouldn't have met or experienced these events in my life. However, I know hurt will always be present in my soul.

"Uh Anna?" David slightly waves his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of pondering. "Are you okay? You kind of zoned out for a moment."

"Oh. I'm fine." I say sheepishly, glancing around the classroom, in attempt to hide my blush from David. Even the tiniest little action from him could turn me as red as a tomatoe.

I freeze and narrow my eyes towards to the back of the room. How could Louis be here?

The brunette grins widely in my direction, mouthing a "hi".

I crook my head a little, completely confused. Has he always been in this class with me?

I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I arch my head to the source.

"Class is starting." David mumbles. I watch as he glares daggers in Louis' direction. An obvious expression of annoyance spreads across his face. Also, possibly... jealousy?

After a LONG period of worthless discussions about rocks and minerals, I collect my binder and books then head towards to my most favorite period of all; lunch.

As I did my normal routine of practically shoving my things in my locker, I was met with a familiar pair of emerald irises. My stomach fluttered and my palms started to sweat.

This was a wierd feeling. I have never felt like this with any other boy except David. I met him yesterday for koala's sake!

"Hey Anna. You look lovely today." He greeted with a low, raspy tone that sent shivers down my spine. Snap out of it!

"H-hi! Uh you!" I punched his arm playfully, yet with a bit too much force than I intended.

"Ow! Oh gosh Anna! What the heck?!" He scowled in response, rubbing his poorly "injured" arm.

Despite his cries, I could tell he was fooling around by the too well-known playful glint in his eye.

"Sorry! Does little Lou need his mommy?" I tease.

"Haha, very funny." Louis' sarcastically replies. "Gosh, you're quite strong."

"So, what are you doing here?" I question, arching my eyebrow jokingly.

"I came by to say hi, so hi!" His gives me a wide smile, making my heart beat faster. His silky hair was swept across his face, barely touching his coal, long eyelashes. His teeth align perfectly, and his plump, red lips turn my legs into jelly. If I hadn't been supported by my locker, I would've collasped.

I could gaze at his feature for all eternity. As much I wanted to look away, I couldn't. I start to fidget under his intense stare, beginning to feel self- conscious.

All of a sudden, our little moment was crushed when David appears from out of nowhere. David's presence makes my heart beat quadruple times faster.

Oh gosh, my heart feels as if my heart is going to burst from an overload of awesomeness.

"Hey David!" I grin widely, as well as receiving one in return.

"Hey Anna, so I was wondering we should probably get going on finishing the science project, if we're ever going to get this done. Want to meet at your house after school?" As David suggests this, he bores holes in the side of Louis head.

"Definitely!" I grin.

"We should get going to lunch, wouldn't want you to starve." He insists, pushing me towards the cafeteria, away from Louis.

"Uhm, bye Anna! Nice seeing you!" I faintly hear from behind me. I turn my head backwards, avoiding David's tensed expression.

"Bye!" I wave, striving to not melt under David's touch, as well as Louis' smile.





Hello loves! Thanks for reading this chapter! So, who do you like better? David or Louis? Comment below if you wish to!

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