Chapter 14: Just Great

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Anna's Pov

I strolled in the lunchroom, with Riley by my side. Ever since the incident in the mall on Sunday, she made it her top priority to make sure Ava wouldn't lay a finger on me. I tried to convince her that I could handle the witch myself, but she wasn't convinced.

After we had collected our food from the lunch line, we sauntered over to our usual table.  I stopped in my tracks.

Why is he here?

  My eyes narrowed at the sight of David, who waited at our table patiently, drumming his fingers on his binder that he had set down by MY seat.

I strutted towards the blond boy, and stopped right in front of him.

"What are you doing here?" I set my lunch tray down on the table, then crossed my arms over my chest. At the same time, trying to ignore the fluttering feeling that had formed in my stomach.

"I meant what I said about winning you back," he smirked, waving his hand towards Riley's direction, which was returned by a glare.

"Well, you don't have to sit here. Why won't you sit by your friends over there, FAR AWAY from us?" I advised, gesturing where the popular people were seated. To be honest, I actually WISHED he would stay here. But on the opposite hand, I also didn't forget what he did to me. Ugh!

Stupid feelings.

"No, no. We sat beside eachother at lunch everyday, so that's what we're gonna do. Just like old times." He smiled, making the butterflies in my stomach increase.

"Please, David. You don't have to do charity work on this piece of crap anymore, she's right. You should stay away from her. I bet her wreaking stench must be stinking you up." Ava sneered, coming out from nowhere. It was as if she had appeared out of thin air. In spite of her comment, her nasty remark was weakened by her gruesome appearance. She had a black right eye, which was poorly covered with concealer. Her busted lip looked like it was still healing from our previous run-in with eachother, but it was still visible.

Just as Riley was about to retort something back in defense, David drawled, "Ava, leave her alone. I can't believe I ever liked you. You are a self-centered brat that pays attention to Anna's life more than yours."

"So please cry me a river, build a bridge, and GET OVER IT!" Riley cut in, supporting David's statement.

Quiet chuckles were heard everywhere in the room. Ava was fuming, her face was beet red, from both humiliation and anger. I could picture smoke steaming out of her ears.

"Ugh! You gu-ys are j-just.." she stammered, having no comeback. "Ugh!"

She stomped away angrily through the hoard of students, marching out the cafeteria with her little pathetic clique following behind her.

I stood frozen, shocked. David.. helped me?
Well it's about darn time!

I hesitantly turned towards David, striving to hide my huge grin that was threatening to creep onto my face. I press my lips together, giving him a tight  smile. "Thanks.. I owe you one."

"No problem." He smiled back. "You know, there's one way you can make it up to me."

"Who said I owed you anything?" I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes.

"I did, and you said so yourseelf that  it'll take some time before we patch up the hole in our relationship. Spending time with one another might make the whole 'healing' process a bit faster, ya feel?"

"No, I don't 'feel'. The only thing you're gonna feel is my fist flying to your face."

"Please Anna. Please let me try to make it up to you." He pouted and clapped his hands together.


"Come with me to the ice cream shop that I was talking about last week. I promise, it's really good. As I said before, my parents can drop you off at your house after. Besides, they haven't seen you in a while! Please!" David pleaded.

Should I go? Well, it's just one time. And, I'm being offered free icecream.

How bad can it be?

"Fine! Okay." I gave in, shaking my head.

"Yes!!!" He horribly dabbed on purpose and danced in his seat. The girls behind him sighed, admirably watching his actions. Some of them were even fanning themselves dramatically.

What the strawberry shortcake?


The bell rang, signaling students to go to their next classes.

"I'll see you later! I'll meet you at the front after school! "David hollered, running out of the cafeteria, turning the corner and rushed to his next class.

Great. Just great.

I slightly waved at him, huffing and curving my head towards Riley, who throws a questioning glance towards me. Repeating my actions from Sunday, I shrugged and walked away.

Hey guys! I've been very busy with school work lately so it's going to be kind of hard to post chapter everyday, but I'll manage. Thanks for reading!

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