Chapter 19: Liar, liar

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Anna Pov

"No! How could you do this me?!" I cried, slamming my fist down on the coffee table. I snatched some popcorn from its plastic bowl and hauled the buttery goodness at the TV.

"My life's a joke!" Riley shrieked from beside me, punching the pillow that lay next to her.

Every Sunday, Riley and I had made it a tradition that both of us would watch "The Walking Dead" every Sunday at each other's houses. We practically LIVED for the gory show. At first, I was pretty hesitant about watching this show, since I wasn't very fond about the gashes and blood, but Riley shoved the series in my face anyway. Since then, I CRAVED for the show, and I instantly fell in love with Carl once I set my eyes on him on the television screen.

Towards the end of the episode, we finally reached to the part to where Glenn's intestines got ripped apart, because stupid Nicholas stupidly chose to commit suicide. There were only a herd of walkers surrounding them, while they were on a tiny-sized dumpster, having a high chance of dying. What a wimp!

Too harsh? I beg to differ.

To top it all of, the episode ends in a cliffhanger and I was shocked as ever. It was if I was solving a difficult equation problem in math, trying to figure out ways he could have possibly lived from the traumatic situation.

Gotta hate those dang cliffhangers.

I snapped out of my daze when I heard Riley shift in my direction, and I looked up to her to see a hesitant look on her face.

"So," she blew out a breath then continued, "-how are you and David doing?"

Riley had been getting used to David a little, but she was still pretty angry about the whole incident that happened in my freshman year. She still could not believe how I managed to even have a conversation with David, let alone even let him near me. It was like what happened in my past meant more to her than it did it me. Everyday when I chatted with David at lunch, I could practically feel her glaring lasers at the back of his head. Other than that, I think they might get along great.

"Well, I guess we are going pretty fine.." I trailed off. Despite everything that happened recently, I felt like it would definitely not be the best idea to tell my best friend that I had developed feelings for David. I already had it crystal clear that she despised him, so why make things worse?

"Oh, that's great." she eyed me suspiciously.

I squirmed in my seat and struggled to keep eye contact with her. It was definitely difficult for me to lie to anyone, especially Riley. She knew me like the back of her hand, and nothing got past her too easily.

"You're lying, aren't you? If you don't want to tell me right now, you don't have to."

"No, I promise I'm not lying. We finished the project anyway, so I bet I won't be seeing David anytime soon." I assured her.

"Liar, liar. Even though I wish he would leave us alone, he's bound to stay forever. Hey, you never know. Maybe he has a crush on you and must be playing desperate. But, the real question is; do you like him?"

"Ha, ha. So funny." I scoffed. "So on a more interesting topic, how are things going with Jake?"

"Actually, things are going great!" she gushed. "I thought he just only wanted me to be his date to the dance, but I got the full treatment. He asked for my number, me to my class, texts me every day just to see how my day was. He's so perfect!"

I sighed as images of David and I doing those things made my stomach do somersaults.

It sucks to wish of the things that you can't have, huh?

"That's great! I'm so happy for you!" I gritted happily through my teeth.

I blinked my eyes rapidly and rubbed them in exhaustion. I turned my head and saw Riley sleeping on the other side of the bed; sound asleep.

"Ugh!" I shouted in my mind. Ever since yesterday, I couldn't get David's face out of my stupid brain.

Stupid thoughts.

Was he going to kiss me? Was he not? Maybe I got injected with snake poison and he had no choice but to suck it out. Maybe there was something on my mouth and he chose to clean it.

With his lips.

Ugh! Why does life have to be so complicated?

And now here I am, helplessly staring at the ceiling in the middle of the night.

Somehow, there is always drama present in my life, as if it's clinging onto me like a sickness, possibly a disease.

I readjusted my pillows again, for the fiftieth TIME! I turned my head towards my nightstand and turned on my phone to check the time. Meanwhile, it seemed as if the bright gates of heaven were opening up in my little device.

12:38 already?

I helplessly plopped back on my bad and attempted to count sheep, which was what people miraculously did to sleep.

But why sheep specifically?

All I could think about was David. His eyes, his hair, the barely visible specks of freckles that was spread across his cheek bones. The moment was magical, more towards unbelievable.

Until his stupid phone stupidly rang.

However, the real question was; did I actually want it to happen?

I'm in a controversial state right now. My heart is shouting, "Hell ya! Of course you do!". Yet, my brain is yelling, "What the heck?! Girl, nuh uh. Douchebag David? Tsk tsk, I thought you were better than this."

It hurt, the pain was constantly ripping me apart. I guess that's what these things do to you. It could be the best thing that could ever happen to you, or it could be a nightmare in hell. What are the odds?

But all in all, at the end of the day, I guess I kind of do have feelings for him.

It wasn't easy, but I soon felt my eyes fall closed and I fell into a peaceful slumber
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