Chapter 11: Tears, Tales, and Talks

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Anna's Pov

I stared up at the ceiling, laying amongst the scattered pillows and blankets on my bed.

My eyes were puffy and my nose was red from my previous crying session. My face was covered with dried tear stains. My hair was a mess, going different directions around my face.

Riley had left a couple of hours ago to attend a family dinner, continuously making sure I was alright. My parents were at work, doing some extra shifts. Not really a surprise to me, since last time they were here it didn't go as well as they had planned.

My phone beeped, signaling another message from Riley. She had been texting me non-stop ever since she had left. As much as I appreciate how much she cares for me, I just want to have some time to myself. In other words, spend the rest of the day mourning and suffering in my misery.

I knew for myself that it was my own fault that this whole incident had happened. The anger in Ava's eyes, the poured milk, the laughing. I have never thought it would go that far. The events kept flashing through my mind, as if it was still happening right now.

I've tried to get some sleep, but I'm too strucken by today's events. So now I'm stuck here, lying down on my bed in the dark and silence.

I clasped my phone that layed beside me, checking the message Riley had sent me. However, it wasn't from her. A familiar number had popped up on my notifications. Too familiar to forget. It was him.

Me: Jump off a cliff.

Unknown Number: It's me, David.

Me: No shizzle sherlock. -_-

David: Pls forgive me, I'm really sorry about the whole thing.

Pshh please, ain't that cute? He thought he would get off the hook with a weak "sorry. Heck nah to the max baby!

Me: You know what? Stop, just stop. I'm getting tired of your crap. You think you can just waltz back in my life and everything will be okay. And BABOOM! You didn't even care to help me, you were too busy slinging your stupid ding dang arm around that little idiot. So stop thinking that I'm an easy person that forgives. I'm not gonna be fed up with your buttered up crap, so SHUT THE HECK UP AND GET LOST.

David: I know I messed up, just please. I even broke up with Ava today! Can that be worth anything?

Me: Good for you, Mister Parker. Now jump off a cliff.

David: I'm still going to your house tommorow for our project...

Me: Aha! No. I'd rather skin myself alive than spend time with you. Wait? Why am I texting you? Ooh.. PAYBACK TIME!

I immediately went to the phone number settings and block his number. I smirked to myself in victory. Point Anna!

My little celebration is interrupted when a rock is thrown at my window. What the red rabbits?

Sounds clichè right?

I clutched my phone to my chest, peering out the window. My heart stopped at the sight.

My eyes widened in horror as I saw David stood on my driveway, with a goofy grin on his face. He held up his phone, shouting, "Seriously Anna?!"




I unlocked my window and pushed it up. "Get your crusty self out of my face Parker!" I yelled back. Good thing he's far away from me, or else he would see my cherry red face.

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