Ah, my favourite subject ART!

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"Oh, so we have a new beautiful student? " a young handsome teacher went into the class and looked into my direction.

I blushed, hanging my head low.

"Aww, look she's blushing. " the teacher teased again.

"Mr. Park! " the girls squealed. He's quite handsome, but dating your teacher is totally not my style. It disgusted me. I cringed a little when I thought about it.

"Okay, I'm done flirting. " he said bluntly, making the class laugh. "So, today you're gonna pick a partner and draw a picture of him or her. "

"Hmm... Who should I choose? " I mumbled.
"Hobi! Choose Hobi! " Hobi jumped up and down excitedly, but Jin yanked him off and pushed him to the back, leaving him sulking.

"I think you should choose me, because Hoseok is the worst in art. You wouldn't want to look bad in his drawing right? " Jin joked.

I giggled, "Yeah. "
"So... I'm your partner? " Jin asked.

"You're pairing up with me. " Suga said, grabbing my arm and pulled me to his seat.

"What- Heol. I was just going to - " Jimin was cut off by Suga.
"Shut up, she's my partner and that's all. My art is the best amongst you all, and I don't want her pretty face ruined by your drawings. "

"D-Did he just say, pretty face? " I blushed, playing with the hem of my skirt.

"Why are you blushing? " Suga asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head, "I-I'm not blushing! "

"Yes you are, let's go. " he took your hand and dragged you to the courtyard.


"Wow, I didn't notice there's a fountain. " I said in awe.

Suga set down his stuff and sat on the grass.

"Sit over there. " he demanded.
"O-Okay.. " I said, nervously.

I felt tense, with the way he looks at me. Suga is the bad boy type, but actually he had a soft side. Just, he doesn't really wants to show his other side to anyone.

"Wait wait. " Suga said, standing up and walked towards me.
He took off my hair band and let my hair falls freely. Using his hand, he combed my hair and twirled the end of my hair.

"Good thing I washed my hair this morning! " I thought. You know, sometime girls are lazy to wash their hair. I'm sure you too. :P Especially on cold days.

"There, better. " Suga said, returning to the place he sat just now.


"Let me see! " I said excitedly. Suga showed me the portrait he drew, and it was totally totally fantastic!
"Gosh, you're good! " you complimented him.

Suga's cheek turned pinkish.

"Did he just blush? "

He cleared his throat, "Your turn to draw me. "
"Oh, okay. "

I started to draw him. Suga sat across me, plugging his earphone into his ears and hummed. My heart races, Suga actually is not that bad...

"He's quite attractive when he smiled. "

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