Jimin's Ending Part 1

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I felt something bumped my shoe. As I look down, a tiny remote car moved back and forth, still knocking my shoe.

"What the hell is this... " I mumbled, bending down to pick up a note which was tied on the car.

Anneyong (Y/N)!! I'm looking at you from farrrr away. Don't try to find me because you won't see me. :P

Anyway, be my prom date please? Ah, you'll know who am I on that day ~ So please, be my prom date!! I really like you. Just nod your head if you agree. Saranghae!!

XOXO— Mysterious guy

This guy... Is he stupid? I can tell it's him by looking at his handwriting.

"Yah Park Jimin! " I yelled. The students turned around and stared at me with a with a confused look.

"I saw you hiding behind the plant, Jimin-ssi. " I sighed, placing my hands on my hips.

"Aww, no fun. " Jimin pouted, walking towards me with a controller in his hand.

"You're really creative, huh? " I mocked, rolling my eyes at him.

"I'll accept your compliment. So, do you agree to be my prom date? " Jimin asked.

"No. " I turned around and walked off.

"Kajima! " he hugged me from behind. The students around us giggled and chatters.

"J-Jimin, what are you doing?! "

"I won't let you go if you don't agree to be my prom date. " he whined.

"You're forcing me, you know? "

"I don't care. " Jimin whined again.

"Alright! " I gave in, sighing in frustration.

"Yay ~ I'll see you tomorrow, kay? Bye! "

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