Mark is a Monster

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"Hey babe. " Mark wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my cheek.
"Dude. " Nam Joon pushed him away.

"What's your problem?! " Mark snapped, pushing Nam Joon back.
"My problem is a guy who claims (Y/N) as his. She's not even your girlfriend, so stop touching her or kissing her. "

"Oh really? You aren't her boyfriend too, so mind your own business, buddy. " Mark smirked.

"Hey guy, stop it. " I said, pushing them apart from each other, "Nam Joon, let's go. We're late for class. "

"You better watch your back. " Mark warned, "See you later, (Y/N)! "
"O-Okay, bye. " I said, tugging Nam Joon's arm.

"Yah, why are you friends with him? " Nam Joon pouted, "I don't like him. "
"Nam Joon, he's not that bad. "

"Just don't hang out too much with him. He's a bad influence to you. "
"Okay, dad. " I mocked, nudging Nam Joon and laughed.


Mark kept sending me those messages, about his feelings. I don't develop any feelings for him.

"Hey, I heard there's a new arcade down the street. Let's go check out! " Nam Joon grinned.
"Hmm, sure. I have no plans after school. " I answered.

"Great! I'll wait you at the school gate! " he said.
"Kay kay. "

After school...

I packed my stuff after cleaning the classroom. The door slide opened, it's Mark. Honestly, I've been avoiding him these few days. I felt uncomfortable around him, because he would touch me in an inappropriate way.

I assume that maybe it's normal because he lives in America, but he's expressing his feelings for me every single day. That annoys me. A lot.

"Oh, hello. " I said, trying to sound normal although I was nervous as hell. We're alone in the classroom.

"Hey. " he gave me a sinister smile, "Wanna hang out? "
"Um, sorry Mark. I can't. I have plans later. "

"I see... Then maybe I should force you to stay, so we can have a little fun in here. "

Goosebumps all over my body. I took my bag, heading to the door, "S-See you tomorrow - "

Mark grabbed my wrist, pushing me hardly onto the floor and pinned me.
"Don't go. "

His hand travelled down to my things, caressing it.
"You have no idea how long I wanted to do this to you. Fuck you senselessly, making you scream my name. " Mark whispered, kissing my neck.

I stryggled, shouting for help.

He covered my mouth with his left hand, and the other one are reaching for my shirt, unbuttoning it.
I scream again and again, but only muffles escaped from my lips, which is too hard for people to hear.

I should've listen to Nam Joon. He's right. Mark is not a good person. He's a monster.

I bit hip hand, trying to scream again as loud as possible. A stinging pain occurred on my cheek after Mark slapped me across my face.

"Don't worry, no one would hear your scream. We still have a long night to go on. The school gate are closing, and the school is probably empty now. "

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