I hate you, Park Jimin

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"Would you stop ignoring me?! " Jimin yelled, grabbing my wrist.

"Let go. "

"No, tell me the reason why are you ignoring me for the whole day. "

"You want to know why?! " I snapped, "It's because of you and that Seo Eun bitch! "

"(Y/N)! How could you say she's a bitch?! " Jimin yelled.

"Oh, so you're defending for her now? " I laughed sarcastically, clapping my hands, "Good job, Jimin. "

"I'm not defending her or anyone. I'm just telling you that you shouldn't call someone a bitch. " he said.

"I don't give a fuck! "
"Since when you're this bad?! You never spill vulgarities!. " Jimin stated, "Gosh, why are you being like this, (Y/N)? "

"It's all Seo Eun's fault! I don't want to see my boyfriend flirting with another girl! "

"I'm not flirting with her goddamn it! " Jimin punched the locker, "I'm just being friendly with her! "

"Oh friendly? " I scoffed.
"I treated you the same when you first came to this school, (Y/N)! "

"It's not the same, you freak! " I yelled, "You already have a girlfriend! You can't treat her that nice! "

"Why are you so arrogant?! " Jimin yelled back, "How many times I should tell you that I just see her as a friend?! "

"But she doesn't, Jimin! She likes you! "
"You overreacted, (Y/N). Stop being such a selfish girl. "

And that really hurt my heart. I'm being selfish? Is it wrong when a girl gets jealous and angry because her boyfriend flirts with another girl?

Glaring at him for 10 seconds, I finally spoke, "I hate you, Park Jimin. "

Stomping away, I heard Jimin let out a grunt, kicking the trash can.


9.38 P.M.

I checked my phone. I have 39 missed calls and 1 unread messages. It's all from Jimin.

From: Jimin oppa ❤

It's freaking cold outside here FYI, I'm soaking wet now. It's raining!

It's probably 2 hours ago when Jimin sent this message. Gosh, is he still waiting at outside?!

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