Preparing for Prom

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Two months later, after year-end-examination...
"As you all know, our school had prom for you seniors. Those who would like to go to the prom, meet me in my office so that I can make a list of your names. You need to have the pass to join the prom night. " the teacher announced.

"Yes! I've been waiting for this day! " Jin beamed.
"Oh? So you can wear pink princess dress? " Suga teased, earning a slap on the back of his head from Jin.

"Shut up, Yoongi. Don't you ever judge my favourite colour. " he warned.

"A prom? How great! Our school don't even have a prom night, this school is too fantastic! " Hani squealed, jumping up and down excitedly.

"I know right? " I agreed, nodding my head.

"So... Who's gonna be your prom date? " Hoseok asked.
I shrugged, "Molla. "

"If you don't have anyone to be your date, please, consider me. " he smiled, helding out his hand.

"Okay I will. " I answered, smiling at him.

"What about me ~? " Nam Joon whined, pouting his honey-like lips.

"I don't know yet, alright? " I sighed, shoving my books into my bag.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Let's go shopping for prom dress tomorrow! " Hani squealed.

"Great idea, let's do it. " I said.
"Yay ~ "

"Can I follow too? " Taehyung whimpered, hugging Hani's arm.

"Sorry baby, you can't. "

"Aww. Give me a kiss to make me happy. " he whined.

"Okay okay ~ " Hani stood on her feet, leaving a long kiss on Taehyung's lips.

"Yah, we're at school, you two freaks! " Jin separated them apart, like a mother who just caught her daughter dating with a guy.

The next day...

"Eonnie!!! "

I bolted up from the bed, squinting my eyes when the sunlight shone into my room and met my eyes.

"Eonnie, wake up! " my sister Avril jumped on my bed, bouncing up and down and landed on my stomach.

"Yah, you brat! " I scolded. Avril laughed, running out from my room.

"Aish, that kid. " I scratched my head and mess my hair, "What is the time now? "

"9:30 a.m. for your information, miss (Y/N). " Hani came into my room with her arms crossed.

"What are you doing here? " I ask, confused.
"We're gonna go shopping for prom dress! Did you forget it? " she snapped.

"Yeah, I forget about it. " I answered bluntly.
"Well get up now! Go take a bath you lazy bum! " Hani pulled me up and kicked my butt.

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