Waking up beside Jimin

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Saturday morning, no school. Hah, this is life. But wait! Why I felt heavy on my waist?

I looked down, seeing that an arm on my waist. I bolted up from my bed.

"I forgot Jimin's here!! "

"(Y/N), can I come in? " my mother asked.
"N-No, eomma! I'm naked! "
"Oh, I'll wait you at downstairs then. Breakfast's ready. "

"Jimin! " I whispered, shaking him violently. He's still snoring, sleeping peacefully. I grabbed a pillow and hit him in his face.

"What the hell... Why are you in my- "
I covered his mouth, stopping him from screaming out loud.
"W-Where am I? "
"My house, my room. "

"B-But, how did I get here? "
"Who knows?! " I snapped, "My mum is downstairs, she'll kill me if she saw a guy walking out from my room. I'll help you to get out from here later, when she goes out. "

I stood up, heading to the door but Jimin grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, I'm sorry about yesterday, at school. " he murmured.
"It's okay. " I said, "But I wanted to scold you for one thing. "

"W-What? "
"You're underage and you drank soju?! Are you crazy?! "
I smacked his head.

"Mianhae jagiya ~ " Jimin whined, "Let me kiss you as an apology! " he pulled me down, placing his lips on mine.

"Okay stop it, you're gross. There's a new toothbrush in the shelf, at the bathroom. "
"Okie dokie ~ Gomawo jagiya! "


"Okay, my mum and sister went out already. You can go home now. " I said to Jimin.

"Wait. Just tell me what exactly happened last night? How am I here? "
"You wanted to know why? " I raised my eyebrows, "Here. " I tossed his phone and he catches it.

"What's wrong with my phone? " he asked.
"Just check the message. "

"Holy... What did I say last night? "
"You wouldn't want to know. " I answered.

"Gosh. D-Did we... Had se- "
"Hell no! You freaking byuntae! Now get out from my house! " I yelled.

"I'm just teasing. " Jimin stuck his tongue out, "I'll go now. Bye. "
Suddenly, Jimin stopped walking and turned back.

"Wait, I forgot something. " he said.
"What thi- "
"This. "

He snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me closer as his plump lips connected mine.

"See you on Monday, baby. "

School Life With BTS [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now