Beach Trip Day 1, Part 4

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"Girl, you sure are strong. " Jimin said, rubbing his sore stomach.
"I'm sorry! You shouldn't scared me! "
"I didn't! "

"I'm too scared because of the horror stories! " I said in a loud voice.
"I know, that's why I came to keep you company. " Jimin answered.

"Thank you. " I said, smiling at him.
"Here. " Jimin offered his hand, and I took it.

Before stepping on the sand, we took off our slippers.

We walked on the black sand (because it's dark okay?) , hand-in-hand. I looked up at the dark sky, the twinkling stars and the sounds of the waves calmed me down. Plus, Jimin is beside me, holding my hand.

"Let's sit down. " Jimin said. We sat on the sand, looking at the waves splashing. Walking on the beach at night is totally my dream.

"Just now... I saw Nam Joon hugged you when we are telling horror stories. " he said.
"Uh... Yeah. "
Jimin turned his head and look at me, "Can you not let him hug you next time? "

"W-Why? " I asked.
"Because... " he took my hand in his, staring intensely into my eyes, "I'm jealous. I don't want Nam Joon to hug you. I want it to be me. I want to be your love one. "

"Jimin.. "
"Please, just this once. " Jimin's voice are no longer that high-pitched, "Listen to me, don't quarrel with me. Let me do anything I want. "

And with that, Jimin leaned in and kissed me. His soft lips are finally on mine, slowly moving in sync. I tightened my grip on his shirt, curling up my toes.

"I gave my first kiss to Jimin. "

"Come here. " he said, pulling me closer to him and kissed me again, passionately. Our tongues dancing together, exploring each other's mouth. Jimin placed his arms around my waist while I wrapped my hands around his neck.

Tilting my head to the side, the kiss deepened. I was sitting on his lap, straddling him. We pulled away, lacking of oxygen, breathing hardly.

Jimin smiled, "You have no idea how long I wanted to do this. "

I flashed a smile back to him, "Me too. "

Me and Jimin enjoyed the night together, cuddling in his arm, sitting on the sand.

"I guess we're a thing now? " I asked.
Jimin shrugged, "I think so. "

So you and Jimin finally kiss wooooo!!!!

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