Unfaithful Love?

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"(Y/N) please! Just stop ignoring me and listen to my explanation! " Jimin wailed, tugging my arm. I shook his hand off.

"We have nothing to talk about, anymore. We're done. After I ran out from the classroom, after I witnessed the scene, we're done from that moment. Stop bothering me. "

Holding back my tears, I walked into the classroom. Seo Eun's eyes met mine. She gave me a "innocent" look and smiled, "Good morning, (Y/N). "

I glared at her, tapping Nam Joon's shoulder.
"Nam Joon. "
"Yes? " he asked, looking up to me.

"Sorry to interrupt your reading but, can I change seat with you? "
"Huh? But I'm just beside you, why do you want to change? " Nam Joon questioned.

"Just, change okay? "
Nam Joon nodded, taking his bag and placed it in my 'old' seat. I know I'm still near to Jimin, but three seats away from his is enough.

"Thank you. "
"What happened to you last night? "

"Nothing. "
"Wow, do you think I would believe your words with your puffy red eyes? " Nam Joon mocked.

"I... I broke up with Jimin. "
Nam Joon remained silent. He finally spoke.

"I see.. "

After school...

"Oh hello ~ Jimin's ex-girlfriend. " Seo Eun said with her fake accent. I rolled my eyes, "What do you want, Choi Seo Eun. "

"Nothing. I just want to greet you. You don't look good, your face is so pale. What's wrong? " she tilted her head, looking at me innocently.

"Shut the fuck up, Seo Eun. I broke up with Jimin, he's all yours. Are you happy now? " I scoffed.

"Jinjja? Omo, I'm so sorry for you. " Seo Eun whined, "But, thank you too. Because we're fated to be together. Jimin deserves a better girl than you. " she whispered, cackling and walked off.

"Bitch! " I slammed my locker. Hanging my head low, I stumbled to the exit. I accidentally bumped into Hani.

"Yah, why are you walking like a bloated zombie? " Hani patted my back, "What's wrong, girl? Why are you crying? "

"I-It's over, Hani. We broke up. "
"Mwoh?! Why?! "

I told her what exactly happened. She clenched her fist, "Imma beat his ass up, including that slut, Seo Eun! "

"Let them be, Hani. Seo Eun's right. Jimin deserves better. "
"Have you lost your mind, (Y/N)? For God sake, you're way better than Seo Eun okay?! "

I shrugged off, "I'll go home now. See you tomorrow. "

"Yah, are you sure you can go home safely in this state? " Hani asked. I nodded, "Yes. Bye. "


Jimin is standing right in front of my house. I walked pass him, going into my house. Jimin grabbed my wrist.

"Can we talk? "
"I thought I told you this morning. We have nothing more to talk. " I answered coldly.

"I want things return to the first time we kissed. I hate it. I hate now. "

"Just stay for a while. Listen to me carefully. "

I took a deep breath, preparing to listen all his bullshit.

"Look, the truth is... Seo Eun seduced me. She kissed me first! I-I... I don't know what makes me kissed her back but, please! Forgive me! " Jimin whimpered.

"I swear I won't do that again to you, (Y/N). " Jimin embraced me tightly, crying and pleading.

"I don't know, Park Jimin. I had enough of your bullshit. I choose not to be hurt again. Sorry. "

Feeling his embrace loosen, I struggled off, walking into my house without taking a look at him.

"I had enough. Park Jimin. "

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